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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. 8:10 B4 everybody's out except for Serena, Where did they go this early ???
  2. Thanks and goodnight,there's a hockey game tonight and almost every night untill the cup is won.
  3. Things would be different if Belle was there, it would be a dancing party..........................😃
  4. Wonder why they light up a cigarette when they don't inhale ?? Money going up in smoke,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  5. Can't they tell that he is bored and that they are not welcome in the bed, I'm sure he'd rather be with Blair alone. Letthem go in Nica's room or Living room.
  6. Thanks, I just found him I was hoping that he returned to see big Putin...............😒
  7. Now that she has her own room, why doesn't Anita bring her suitcase there and unpack ?? Is she that lazy ??🤫
  8. I like the new way better, you don't have to scroll as much anymore, a brillant idea !!..................
  9. Kamila a beer bottle, it went for a high price when it went at the auction.................................Joke
  10. I think Anita took a bottle that belonged to Nica, Look at her expression and she's showing the bottle.......................Just a thought.
  11. Like they say : "There's a Sucker born every minute."...............................
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