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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. I just know she vomitted earlier, maybe she went to the balcony to get some fresh air., Is she back in bed ??
  2. Une chance que vous ne vivez pas ici (au Québec) elle est tellement massacrée, mêlée avec l'Anglais et le Joual (Lire Cheval).
  3. J'aime bien l'idée du sondage, mais, il y a tellement de fautes d'orthographe en Français que souvent j'aime mieux ne pas lire certains commentaires. Cette langue est si belle et il faut la respecter même si on n'est pas de la FRANCE !!
  4. Sorry, but I think it looks more like Elisa, different eyes, different views
  5. Hi, from what city are you from ??  Are you French or English ?  I was raised in both languages but mostly French that's why I sometimes make mistakes in English, but I try my best.  We seem to be on the same wave lenght.  RSVP.

  6. same here I had a stroke two years ago, a girl 22 was visiting me as a "friend" free of charge and I was 66.
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