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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. I like you DfCap but be logical, the laptop wasn't on. Kami turned it on after you mentionned the "picture".
  2. It was the reflexion of the glass on the table the laptop was not on.
  3. If it slipped and the second one stayed in Kami's vagina, it means he has a small penis if the rubber does not stay on his shaft.
  4. I did not say it's a fact, i said COULD. The way she's been acting lately,we do not know for sure if she is hetero, lesbo or bi. So all we can do is wish her the best orgasm ever with whoever she is.
  5. Could be a girl she met when she went to the lezzies bar with Kristy
  6. As for being a model well, maybe for commercials or publications, but not for the runway, she is too small 1m70 is roughly 5 feet 5 inches and she would have to be at least 5' 8". Plus at 23 she is Advanced in age for now they hire the girls at 14-15 years old. But still I wish her good luck !
  7. The only clue we have is all those smiles when looking at her phone. So if we find out who was on the line we may find out where she has gone: Sergio, Kristy ................Kiko ??
  8. Strange time to go out though 2:43 AM. I don't think she is going to join Kristy.
  9. Why does Kami wait for Kristy ? Kristy didn't wait for her yesterday. So maybe Kami has more feeling for Kristy than we thought .
  10. Sorry to interupt but tell me, are the girls in the apt. or did they go out ?
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