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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Well the face on the tatoo looks exactly like Milana , so maybe it is not a coincidence, and he have known her for a long time.
  2. A girl brings a guy back in her bed and sleeps ? That never happened to me and if it did I would be so much out of there, come on, if you bring me in your bed,it's no to sleep. I can sleep in my own bed.
  3. hey Gudari you speak russian ? how come we both think the same thing. But I didn't hear him say before 10am because I'm a french canadian and I speak only french and English.
  4. Hey I just thought, maybe they did it before coming home and they are now tired and just want to sleep and do it again in the morning. I'm sure there are hôtels and motels in Barcelone . Or they are both wasted. Who knows?
  5. Or maybe they wait when the house is empty in the morning. Anyway I think there is a good movie on cable so I just might watch it.
  6. Did Nora ever bathe or shower with any other girl ? Why did she do it with Milana ? To tell her friends she has a nice body ? Because she doesn't seem to be bisexual. And to let her rest on her body why ? To find out what ? I'm only wondering what kind of woman would do such a thing if there was not an ulterior motif.
  7. And who gave flowers to Nora ? when she came in she had flowers , maybe she picked them herself thsy were very small.
  8. Maybe she's a dancer but she wasn't working tonight. It's 3:15 and still no Milana think what you want but I still say she is EASY or with one of Nora.s "friend".
  9. Milana is not tall enough to be a real model. She is hot and desirable so...
  10. Maybe you're right but Milana doesn't live in this country and where could she be if not with somebody who knows Nora ? Nora knows a lot of people so maybe like you said it's just a friend (with lots of money) or a true friend indeed. And if it's a guy she just met than she's what we call EASY. The future will tell but I'm not holding my breath, I've got my own explication and you have yours so let's live and let live.
  11. When they went in the room with no cam for 10 mins.maybe that's when Nora made the offer to Milana. They went in there so nobody that speaks russian could hear what they said, I may be wrong but why did they go in there for so long Rita wasn't in the house ? I just wish that I'm wrong, I was starting to like Milana.
  12. I said I hope I'm wrong but if she comes home after 8.00am then This apt. is history.
  13. And Have you noticed how horny she seems when she takes a few drinks (Milana) so if Nora takes her to a club others will notice it too and who knows what happens next,
  14. I think DOCT19 is on the button Nora introduces Milana to people that are willing to have Milana for the night and Nora receives a commission and we were scammed by those two. Again she probably won't be back untill late tomorrow morning. Cheap trick.
  15. And maybe Rita read bad things about her on cc and that's why she won't show as much as before, what do you think ?
  16. I saw exactly the same thing 10 mins in the room. If ever they make it , it will be off camera. If I want to see some action, I'll go to a porn site where it's free even.
  17. Milana went out with Nora they left together and wearing jeans shorts and dressed sportly, I think they will come back together. I hope.
  18. Milana and nora went in the room near Nora's room at 19.44 closed the door and came out at 19.54 What did they do in that room ?
  19. Yesterday we saw Milana more than one hour naked, and this morning she dresses behind the closet's door I'm sorry but I don't understand her does she need Nora to unwind ?
  20. Have you noticed ?When they sit on the couch with both their glasses on, they look like sisters
  21. Did any of the two girls come ? It was beautiful to Watch. But she will still go behind the closet's door. Why ? we all saw her naked.
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