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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Now, I've watched very carefully the video of Milana and Coco in the Bath. Is Milana giving some pleasure to Coco with her feet ? The water is moving. And Watch Coco's face expression when her hands are Under the suds, and milana moving her finger in a strange way. Maybe it's my imagination what do you think ?
  2. A girl who has her period doesn't take a bath with another girl, she takes a shower instead. So, she doesn't want to do it in front of the cameras, or she's leading the guy on.
  3. Maybe Milana works on both sides like this girl on the left. (And I'm not saying that she is »Milana even if she looks a lot like her,)
  4. Is there anything going on between Coco and Milana ? Saturday morning when Coco came down for breakfast, she kissed Milana good morning.
  5. Is there anything going on between Milana and Coco ? Saturday morning going down for breakkfast Coco kissed Milana good morning. JUust asking.
  6. thank you so much for that beautiful picture of Rita I could never seem to get a full frontal.
  7. Man this forum is fun we talk we argue we even bitch ourselves about girls we never met or ever will meet and for what ? It's starting to look like WWE wrestling ! keep it on...
  8. Tu as parfaitement raison, elle caches très bien son jeu.
  9. and take showers and baths in the nude with person of same sex ?
  10. I really don't know what to think, but would a nice girl with principles accept to live in an apt. with cameras everywhere make love and masturbate in front of those cameras knowing that everything she does COULD AFFECT HER FUTURE CARREER? I repeat A nice girl with principles and a head on her shoulder. So tell me what kind of girl accept those conditions ? Nice girls ? I doubt it very much. But that's only my opinion.
  11. Nora is in the apt. she was lying on the floor in the living room talking on the phone
  12. ....... ummmmm .....Rat poison is slow acting isn't it ? You have a dirty mind but I like it So where is Nora anyway - haven't seen her in 2 days !! The other girls have the apartment to theirselves , and no action from either one !
  13. WOW...........well that's a surprise - so they are " escorts " . ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) I still really have a tough time believing that that is why they come here. All the women that I have seen in this house spend far too many days and nights in the house. If they are meant to be escorts, they sure must be bad at it to get so few "dates". I'm not saying that they don't sometimes go out with "friends of RLC" or something, but I think they would practically be booked solid if that was their purpose for being there. The only thing that seems to fit their schedules is something like auditioning for modeling, acting, dancing and other types of "artsy" gigs. Don't really know - they may be very expensive and only for certain " clients " . But the guy that posted all this really seemed to know what he was talking about and lives in the area. If Nora has a Web Site, I'd sure like to know the name !! They may be in Barcelone for vacation and take a date only once in a while if it's Worth it.
  14. I Wonder when they play with the IPhone what are they looking for: potential"friends" ? Just a suggestion, because there's many pictures on the screen and they seem to be choosiing wich one to call......Again just a suggestion, I may be wrong but....
  15. get your answer at : new girl milana page 44
  16. but still I will enjoy what I see and hope for better moments.
  17. And if it's a 3 days weekend they might not be back untill tomorow.
  18. I understand they have to live their lives but in respect for the paying Customer, there should be a rule like being home at least at maximum 3:30am.I'm sure lots of us are disapointed and some might cancel their membership. RLC is laughing on their way to the bank.
  19. where do you get all those informations from ? Or are you guessing like everybody ?
  20. They spoke in English so it's not the boyfriend or the husband.
  21. Who says she didn't the other day she came home at 10:45am what do you think she did all night close the lid ?
  22. I never had a tatoo so I wouln't know and I am 67. So they know each other I'm glad because I don't like EASY girls, maybe he came to Barcelone to visit or he is on vacation. Anyway I'm glad she is with someone she trusts, good luck to her !
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