O K Guys, get over it, I made a mistake I really thought Milana was doing it, Maybe it's secret dream or my computer screen jumped (It does that sometimes when I forget to shut it down)I' really looked stupid that time, Sorry I will be more careful next time hope you don't think I'm crazy and you will read me again !
Am I the only one who saw Nora masturbate twice this morning ? Once with her night robe and after that naked over the sheets both times and she came twice. Beautiful to look at she did it very slowly with legs open it was a pleasure to see the hand rub that clit.
I agree no one has the right to name calling on this forum some thoughts are better kept to one's self ! On another subject, Rita should be removed from the Apt. before the feud gets any worse, if none of the other girls talk or look at her what reason does she have to stay ??