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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Kinda make you wish to unsubscribe It seems they are laughing at us just teasing then pow they get dressed and go eat.
  2. Come on girls 6 divided by 2 is 3 couples it fits on Sofie's large bed..............What am I saying ?? It'll never happen.
  3. Probably to smoke a special cigarette so we don't complain ??
  4. I realy wonder where they went, Numi went out with only her see-thru shirt on her back ??
  5. Have you forgotten when she got fingered along with Irma by Beardo ?? Or the fun she had with Lola at the so called Orgy ?? Don't kid yourself, she is no Virgin !!!
  6. How Depressing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,War everywhere killings and the most depressing TRUMP THE CLOWN.
  7. Est-ce la pleine lune en Espagne.......................Is it full moon in Spain ???
  8. I hate it when there are so many shows at the same time, it's like watching a good movie and a Hockey game at the same time
  9. She's really trying to take Fiby to the DARK SIDE, but Fiby is using THE FORCE !!!
  10. Sofi shows no emotion when Naomie touches her pussy.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BAD ACTRESS !!!
  11. It's a start, she's taking it slowly, she doesn't want to mess up her record............................
  12. Fiby talks a lot and I noticed she eats with her mouth open . But I could fill that mouth with something else than apples !!
  13. I saw that but I didn't want to post just in case it didn't work out.
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