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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. As soon as they enter RLC, they loose their dignity (If they had it before)
  2. Je n'y vais pas non plus mais on peut se faire une idée en regardant l'attachement center.
  3. Naomie ferait une bien meilleure co-loc. Envoyer Stella a VHTV serait une bien meilleure place pour ce genre de dépravée.
  4. I'd rather RLC keep Polya and get rid of drug happy Stella
  5. J'ose espérer que RLC va nous débarasser de cette droguée de Stella au plus vite !!
  6. It's good that Sara is sitting on Stella's lap or else Stella would fall off the chair, she is so wasted.
  7. How do I enter a name on the ignore list  ??

    1. Kjeld Carlsen

      Kjeld Carlsen

      Open your  profile - chose "Ignored Users" - add the name/profile you want to ignore

  8. I can see you like guys too much for my taste and you're one person who always want to be right. Welcome to my ignore list.
  9. I don't hate guys, I hate guys who treat women badly. If she wants to go with women, that's her choice.
  10. He's back and he seems to be giving HELL to Sara------------Maybe he didn't like to see her with women ??
  11. Look at Replay carefully, he jerked himself under the covers with sister beside him both looking at phone (Porn ??)
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