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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. He left with Diva for 1hr and a half but we don't know what happened when they came back evrybody were asleep. But I doubt he performed just by seeing Diva's face this morning.
  2. The thumbs down that Diva just made. is it for Chriss who didn't perform last night ??
  3. Yakety yack Yakety yak,I hope Diva stops talking when she has sex or the only way to make her stop is by putting a penis in her mouth
  4. Amalia has changed, before she wouln't let any girl touch Chris or Chris touch any girl.
  5. Somebody shut Diva up She talks and talks never shutting up.
  6. Ariela just packed a bag with clothes and fresh panties, spending the night somewhere ??
  7. Replace Karina and Amira by Naomi and Mila or Anita
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