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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. even now. usually they don.T GET upstairs before 3:00 am and all the videos and pictures show what a whore Kalina has been transformed into. I'm sorry, I used to like Kamila,But now, I would't touch her with a ten foot poll. She is now a full p-ledged lesbian in my book. and I don't care what all of you think.
  2. First of all when Kami came for the first time with Monica and after Rita everything was fine. But now, she has to do things I'm sure she doesn't want to do but is ordered by RLC to bring more customers
  3. I have to speak my mind, Kamila was here to save the day and she did. But remember when she first came in ? And now, they turned het into "a whore" anybody can go out on the balcony with her, no problem . Take pictures of my anus, it's OK. Touch me wherever you want., She is a SLUT. That is what they want us to beleive. But if she agreed to everything that happened to her ,yes in nfact, even if you think she is the Wake up the perfect little girl Wake up , she likes Nora and she likes Kristie ,She is a whore . Even though she is a beautiful whoreé.
  4. c'est kamila qui avait mis ce film, mais comme la qualité n'était pas bonne, nora a été le chercher sur son ordinateur!!!! kamila is who put this film, but the quality was not good, nora was searching on the computer !!!! Corboblanc, Je soupsonne que vous êtes Canadien comme moi alors salut vieux frère Corbo blanc I never wrote any of this brother stuff , someone is hacking my computer and maybe that is the reason I got banned Sure I am bilingual but ask him how tall he is and I will tell you how tall I am so you mcan see who the Hacker is thanks
  5. c'est kamila qui avait mis ce film, mais comme la qualité n'était pas bonne, nora a été le chercher sur son ordinateur!!!! kamila is who put this film, but the quality was not good, nora was searching on the computer !!!! Corboblanc, Je soupsonne que vous êtes Canadien comme moi alors salut vieux frère
  6. If you are going to do that, this thread is really not the right place for them. They belong under Random discussion, and I think there already exists a number of video threads for that kind of stuff. People have difficulty to read, I do not want to up load my videos, I just want to know how to upload a video file without it being lost.
  7. I have videos of girls masturbating together without touching the other. This is what they should do, masturbating in front of each other without shame or without shyness. but I don' t know how to upload the files I want you to see. Please tell me How to upload a video file on this thread. thank you (I have 68 videos of girls wanking with a friend)
  8. I think so too because kissing and petting in the house is maybe forbiden by Nora.
  9. There is no action anywhere, I'm going shopping ! see ya ...
  10. English is not my first language, I'm french-canadian so sometimes I think in French and write in English. I hope you understand that my English is not perfect. I try my best.
  11. Possibly, but I believe Kami is more comfortable with a Lez friend or her bottle . If anything she may swing both ways, although we have seen her show no interest in men, even with the choice of movies she watches on her computer . But then, as I have said before as have many others, we are watching a soap opera designed purely to entertain us and grab more viewership for RLC. She plays the part of a shy, young beauty desired by both men and women, yet surrenders to neither...........what a show ! She should have an Oscar for an superb performance,BRAVO AUTHOR !!
  12. On the contrary, the more views the more salary she gets.
  13. OK, when I wrote transforming her into a PORN STAR, I didn't mean an actual pornstar, I meant looking lik a pornstar, so that we would be glued to our seat expecting the big finale.
  14. Read carefully I said they are transforming her , not that she is !
  15. I guess they changed the angle of the camera, because you don't see it anymore. But in the video you do see it.
  16. when the door is full open you can see the girl sitting on the throne and you can see her when she pulls back the panties up.
  17. None of them seem to wipe or wash their hands afterward ! Maybe they are all germ-less virgins or they enjoy the smell of pussy on their hands.......LOL Slider, come on. I like you and don't want to insult you, but with the other poster making those statements, I didn't expect you to agree. These girls wipe every time. Anyone who does not see it is simply not watching closely or doesn't understand how women function. You also have to keep in mind that the women do a lot more than simply dispose of physical waste in that hidden area. They have more room back there than it seems. Oh, and they also wash their hands whenever they do use that corner for "eliminating human waste" :D If they don't wash their hands after coming out of that hidden area, it's because they were doing something else in that corner. I'm sorry Bookmaster8 but, I am not blind and I Know what I saw : both girls left the door open of the toilet downstairs and neither of them wiped their pussy when finished. Look at the video closely.
  18. It.s true I haven't noticed about the hands. Would you lick that sanwich Knowing she haven't wiped it ? If there are women on this forum, please tell me is it common to take a leak and pull back the panties when finished. The panties must smell like a urinator.é
  19. In the last video if you Watch when Kristy go to the toilet and takes a leak, when she finishes she doesn't wipe herself with toilet paper. Yesterday, I saw Kami do the same thing I didn't mention it before in case nobody beleived me but now Kristy does the same on video. Is there a ration on toilet paper ?
  20. I'm sorry I posted in the wrong thread. Kamila who was so pure the first time is now breing transformed into a lesbian PORNSTAR by the two..... What a shame !
  21. Kamila who was so pure the first time is being transformed into a PORNSTAR by these two.
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