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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Look at that smile on Kristy, that's the smile of a girl who was fulfilled, YES!!! They did have sex but will try to hide it . But the way they cuddled on the sofa do not lie.
  2. Everything seem OK between Kamila and Kristy, they may even shower together later on . It's a shame I got banned and won't be able to record it.
  3. Now why can't they do the maintenance early in the morning when everybody are still asleep ? I'm starting to think like you.
  4. Come on they are not all awake so early ,Kamila doesn't get up before 3PM.
  5. They are Under maintenance now Is it because of what we saw ? I hope they don't fight and continue to talk to each other, share and share alike they should both take their turn with Kristy. HaHa
  6. It is Under maintenance 10:18 their time. I just hope it's not because of an argument about last night.
  7. I'd be careful with Kristy, she seems to be playing both girls for affection. I just hope JEALOUSY doesn't break any friendship. Nora and Kamila are both possesive. Look at Kamila's eyes when she is sitting on the chair and Kristy and Nora are on the sofa, BRRRRRR.....
  8. Et Kamila ne semble pas du tout excitée ni intéressée. Elle masse les cheveux pour faire plaisir et ne veut rien en retour.
  9. Il a été dit qu'elle avait quelqu'une en dehors de l'apt et qu'elle veut rester fidèle et elle a peut-être peur que sa copine ne la voit sur RLC.
  10. Je commençais à l'apprécier, mais là, elle exagère. A moins que ce soit la JALOUSIE!! Elle commence à me tomber sur les nerfs, pas vous ???
  11. Something's wrong Kamila went mad when they opened the kitchen door and she does not speak to neither of the other girls. Did they have an argument ?
  12. Never look a gift horse in the mouth!!! No problem with Bandicam--No pop up at all, thanks again.
  13. Merci à vous deux, je sens que je vais mieux dormir. HaHa !
  14. Merci beaucoup Corboblanc, je ne l'avais pas celle-là.
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