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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Did they argue with the other couple ?? I hope they go home soon those freeloaders !
  2. Kylie and Rus have no class, they should fuck in their own bed, I wouldn't let another couple fuck in my bed when I was at home, And even more sleep in another room than my own. Disgusting ! 👿
  3. Before leaving Mila gave the girls a bottle , it's something they put on their lips, seem acting like Botox Adelita's lips are not so beautiful anymore. Anyone else noticed ??
  4. Come on Gina the sister is gone, show this one how to really please her Pussy.....................😜
  5. I'm not sure but I think Sera sent Ginger in her room to be alone with Angie, OR Ginger had enough and left ??
  6. Et dans les autres apts aussi, Adeline, Chloé, Eva Leora,Anabel etc etc...........................
  7. I noticed that Mila scratches her PUSSY a lot, could she have caught somethiing ??
  8. RLC should have put ADELITA with MILA, two super beautiful blondes with great tits………………………….💓
  9. What, nobody wants to be with Mila anymore ??? I guess she brought that on herself when she played the field with B1 and staying angry at Bea. Spit goes up but always come back down.
  10. Replay Ok Thumbb=nails ok, But what I get is this $%?%$&* black screen Anybody else has this problem ???
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