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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Here's a nice scenario for RLC: Mike and Blair catch Kylie giving a BJ to RUs ,,,,,,They ask if they can watch............Then Blair starts doing same thing to Mike...........And they swap partners to see who tastes better..............Then all 4 fuck stil swapping ..............2 Big Orgasms and everybody's happy and have a dring together.............. MY GOD I SHOULD WORK FOR RLC !!
  2. I just had a thought. Pixie Belle could wake up Pixie Amy and get her comfortable with her sexuality.................JUST A THOUGHT !!,,,,,,,,,😋
  3. I'm not sure , but I think Gina was a little jealous of Kylie playing with the twins, she didn't smile a lot when Kylie put her hand in the twin's pants and when the twin kissed Kylie's boob back at Kylie's apt,
  4. Where are the candles when you REALLY need them ???👿
  5. I don't think this is their first time, they seem to have done it before off cameras, Motels or the swnging clubs in Barcelona.
  6. Yes with the close-up, I recongnised her. Thanks again.
  7. Can't remember the name of the girl with the green sweater Can you ??
  8. Maybe they want ti form union syndicate.😂
  9. I videod the room, kitchen Hall and bathroom, but after 2 hours I stopped hockey game tonight, Canadians vs Colombus see you all later
  10. they're still at it sine 0.00 ------2hours and counting.-------------------------wow !
  11. 4 on the couch-------------------3 playing wih their phone---------------😂
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