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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Maybe two wheelchairs will be needed !!………………………..😏
  2. Alexa sure loves mirrors she looked at herself in every single one in the house
  3. Both B2 AND B4 are all talk tonight……………………...👿
  4. Even by the pool Ana is still covering her breasts with her hands………………………...Hey Ana we saw them they are not first prize
  5. 👿Now they move the furniture by the pool so we see only the minimum……………..
  6. she could be a double of an anciant fiancée I had when I was 20 yrs. old.
  7. If she is hanging her stuff and unpacking, doesn't it means that she's the new tenant ??
  8. Allez, je vais regarder un autre genre de show SMACKDOWN, de la vraie lutte "PROFESSIONELLE"...…………………….😅😁
  9. Aucune de ces filles ne sont 100% lesbiennes, mais plus elles en montrent, plus elles sont payées
  10. That was just a tease we didn't see anything because of the hair so I Don't think anything happened, none of the girls came.
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