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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Elle a quand même changé un peu , elle est un peu plus ouverte à la bisexualité.
  2. Here's a thought………...Give Mila ALEXA AND Amina the KKK's apt.
  3. For me she is a perfect 10-------------and that makes Elly jealous. Just look at the picture (gif) where Aria Alexa Mila and Elly are in the kitchen------------Look carefully at the mean look Elly is giving to Mila.
  4. Mila came down and talked to Amina and Elly didn't even bother to look at her.
  5. It's my impression that Elly is trying hard to get Amina on her side, and to ignore Mila.
  6. I really Wonder where Mila could be, did she meet a boy ?? Did she meet a new girl we Don't know about
  7. This kind of things turns me OFF, going back to Alexa and Amiina
  8. Yes I read that but this was posted long ago . I hope he is still alive, he was one of the best.
  9. It says here that Ukraine was a big brothel and girls had to be prostitutes because of poverty……………..but things must have changed.
  10. He will have a sore jaw tomorrow……………………..😀
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