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Everything posted by denizenkane

  1. This is great, I'm just really happy we have some genuine excitement to talk about around here. Let's focus on the good. (Yes me too?)
  2. I was was wondering how long it would take for grandma to tell the to pipe down and stay off her lawn ?
  3. The last 10 minutes have been more exciting than the last month and a half, we have life! ITS ALIIIVE!
  4. just play though, never any actual sex or visible bating. The point is they were beloved anyway because they were entertaining and were genuinely enjoying themselves.
  5. @BenfoldVariety is the very reason this bugs me. Deep personality stuff is great in the couples apartments but not here for a temp stay vacation. In the couples apartments you get to know their real day to day lives, there friends, their pets, quirks and tendencies over long periods of time. Here you get none of that so what you're left with in the case of someone like Jasmin is an empty void, no fun, no entertainment and no deep incite into who they are anyway. The variety comes from having the Barca apartments as a fun alternative to the couples. But I suppose that's a whole other can of worms.
  6. Of course, I don't mean literally about you but that being good at making it seem like they do part. Thats what its all about. It's not just about putting on shows for extra cash, K&K on there first pass in Barca were beloved and never did anything sexual at all and covered for every masturbation. But they showed genuine personality, a zest for life and enjoyed the hell out of there time there.
  7. Nobody is denying Jas is hot as hell, there is no doubt about it. Problem is the gist I get from her is she really isn't enjoying herself here, she thinks you and I are weird for wanting to watch, she does not take this gig seriously in that she has no intention of trying to make the product more interesting or entertaining and no intention of making the site successful for her employer. She's counting her dollars and cents and has decided that she can make money here doing nothing, she just has to do literally nothing and spend as little as possible outside the house. People love the greats of RLC because they cared about the viewer, that's what it comes down too. There are a million ways to please the viewer and many aren't sexual. The girls we come to know and love get it, they care about the job they do and they care about you.
  8. The only madness here, is that Jas doesn't realize if the site wasn't popular and have committed fans then she wouldn't be on this free ride she couldn't care less about.
  9. I saw that, she really held it together though the only give away was her position. She barely moved an inch the whole time, amazing if she was actually able to come like that. Also painfully obvious she has no intention of sharing with the class.
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