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happyone last won the day on June 20 2020

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  1. burn it down you tube videos - Search Videos WWW.BING.COM
  2. If the Dumocrats do not replace Biden with someone else-- Trump will probably win in a landslide. But laughable Kamila Harris is not a good replacement,
  3. Great idea---they can "work" their way through college 😏
  4. This guy has a strong resemblance to Volodymyr Zelenskyy-President of Ukraine 😁
  5. This guy has a neck fetish---Now I have seen it all 🤣
  6. Some might remember Dolly the sheep that was cloned---her clone didn't get a name--at least HFB clone got a name-- 😏
  7. How is that possible??? I never read your posts !!!!! just kidding
  8. It is not just you suggesting this. But here is my suggestion--if you don't like the people in those villas or B4 and B7--don't watch them and concentrate on watching the rest of RLC. But if that were to happen, alas, we would lose all the bitching and complaining by the CC patrons. 😏
  9. Didn't know there was a toilet in the garage too!!! 😏
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