I don't know what they are doing now but I forget her name, she just brought her computer in while still on the site, don't know if she will log in or anything but...
To be honest I don't think this site is meant for that kind of stuff really, its about real people, a couple like Nina and Kira fine, but a more set up orgy like that no. I don't know, I liked watching it of course I just don't think this is the site for it. I think Lola was actually overwhelming some of the other girls with that behavior in a negative way too.
Guys are you noticing some rooms look a tad empty almost like they've been slightly packed away empty... I don't know what I would do without Leora she is the queen oh god I hope Im not reading into this too much and she was just cleaning.
My Belle... our belle gone forever possibly, I wish they did surveys for these 2 apartments and asked us which girl would we like to see back occasionally.
This is how they were with Belle when she first came to this apartment I always felt like she was the odd man out, the two tall blondes and the little brunette, it took her awhile to get into the fold I think.