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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Harley has to be putting up with them and their drunkenness 😅 🤦‍♂️
  2. Yep, he's still there. And meanwhile, Olivia sleeps in the bedroom. She hasn't still fully cured her cough and sore throat yet, don't know why she even went if it was to end up like this
  3. Intimate show time for Fiora, Harley and Ulyana on the couch. Has the homeless guy already leave?
  4. Well, that can have two interpretations. On the one hand, the relationship, as you said, may not be serious, but on the other hand he could have just been busy to not have shown up. She facetimed him before in the bedroom
  5. Poor Harley, she was left sleeping on the couch this whole time without even a decent place for her clothes... That's not fair and correct! 😠
  6. There might be some changes on the way. Lola and Anna left b2 and the project
  7. Well, pretty much like Radislava last year in her first days. Maybe they want to stay more time there
  8. And what, if you can tell Moos? Are they taking any classes?
  9. Harley must be wanting to bate, but she must be affraid that Fiora arives at any moment and she gets caught by her. She keeps looking around 😅
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