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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Meanwhile, I see Olivia left, Fiora is back and still no Harley yet. Maybe spending the night out
  2. She must have tested negative, otherwise they all wouldn't have been that close to each other and without masks, and she wouldn't be going out now
  3. 17h16 Harley turned all the lights off and left with a backpack. Olivia sleeping on the couch
  4. Show is over. Collecting all the garbage and dirty dishes
  5. This probably is what girls do in their own intimicy, with the difference that they're doing it consciously on cameras with other people watching. But they exaggerate a lot (and sometimes fake) for the cams
  6. Showtime in the bedroom. Harley blindfolded on the bed. She's the queen bee of the hive
  7. Those are just speculations 😉. But even 5000 or 6000 I think is more than enough for a decent apt
  8. I suppose RLC gives them freedom to decide whether they want to stay longer or not, and to ask for an apartment and look for it together with the staff and negociate. I suppose it was what happened with Gina. They wouldn't give her an apt just because, she must have wanted to stay longer and have her own apt. I think RLC wants them to feel at ease and tries to guarantee their confort the maximum, whilist also protecting their privacy the maximum
  9. What a sudden silence. Where did they all hide? 🤔
  10. Harley looking to herself in the mirror and smiling after Olivia does her hair
  11. The thing is both Fiora and Harley apparently have guys, and we don't know to what extent any of them want to live with their man or not. It's anyone's guess at this moment 🤷‍♂️
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