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Everything posted by costa049

  1. They all seem to be fine. Fiora called Harley to show her what she was preparing for her and her guy and nicely offered it to her as well. All eating at the dining room and smiling and talking quietly
  2. Probably that's what they could arrange for now, since Gina suddently left, and they didn't want to be wasting the apt and probably didn't have an available couple to place there. And so, they ended up recalling them, who had just left the project pretty recently, 1 month before, and as noldus said they apparently still wanted to live together in the project, but RLC probably didn't have money or hadn't/ hasn't still found another one for them. Tha's how I see it
  3. In conclusion, on the one hand, Fiora has a point in this matter. But on the other hand, as you said, she could have definitely handled it better, by having a more quiet and more adult conversation with Harley that went deep into the crux of the matter and solved everything at once
  4. B4 has one of the best systems in terms of cleaning. Harley just could do an effort and cooperate a bit more with the basic housework
  5. Fiora just talked with Harley more quietly now before leaving her to rest
  6. Yep, she's still lying without putting away all the dirty stuff she's been having on the couch table
  7. That's not the point in here. The point is more that Harley just can't contiune being this lazy and careless with the house. She can't just keep leaving and accumulating dirty and untidy stuff for hours and days and just ly on the couch, eat and drink (and throw the dishes in the kitchen sinks or not empty the dishwasher), pee/ poop, shower/ bath and barely clean. We're not even talking about cleaning every minute or second
  8. Don't get me wrong and I'm not trying to defend Fiora. But maybe she's been holding this for days, because Harley has been spending a lot of time on the couch doing pretty much almost nothing and just accumulating dirty and untidy stuff around her for days (maybe weeks) and keeps repeating this attitude. Since Fiora left with her guy, she only cleaned the kithen and went back to the couch untill now, still with all her dirty stuf on the couch table, and even something more she grabbed from the fridge
  9. @HarleyFatboySo, to put you into context. Basically, Fiora came back home with her guy in the middle of the afternoon and found Harley lying on the couch (as she does/ has been doing a lot of the time) with some acummulated dirty stuff on the couch table, and still found the dirty dishes she left and has been accumulating in the kitchen for like 3 days or more, and the dishwasher (which Harley also fullfilled) still to empty. And so, she got mad at her and they started arguing and yelling at each other aggressively, and Fiora made her get up and go clean the kitchen. And Harley even yelled and cursed back at Fiora, trying to justify herself
  10. You got it harley hahahah. But in this case it applies to not careful or neat : showing a lack of care
  11. Despite all we've been criticizing in Fiora, which is mostly true, she has a point in this matter. Harley just can't be this lazy and sloppy, and simply not clean (or barely do it) and keep acummulating dirty or untidy stuff, especially since she spends a lot of time at home doing pretty much almost nothing (as it's been today all day)
  12. Harley can be a good girl and one of the best tenants, as others said here too, but she is very lazy and sloppy
  13. She also has some stuff (a can of pringles, 2 little packs of juice and a big one, and a cup, at least) on the table near the couch that she's been leaving there for days
  14. And Harley even yelled/ cursed back at Fiora, trying to justify herself
  15. She barely cleans, and spends most of the time on the couch (which is also her bed) and mostly only gets up to cook and eat, shower/ bath or pee/ poop or to go out (when she isn't with O&U or with Fiora, or her guy around). I would also get upset with her
  16. I can understand it might have been too much, but on the other hand those dishes were mainly hers or ones that she took for Olivia and Ulyana and and have been there for like 3 or more days now, without the dishwasher having been emptied too (which Harley filled)
  17. Despite all that of her taking it out on Harley, which I can understand on the one hand, she still has a point. Harley spends a lot of time home alone, and mostly laying down on the couch, how can she be without even taking care of the dishes?
  18. Fiora and Harley arguing and yelling at each other aggressively, because Harley didn't take care of the dishes and only lays down on the couch. Fiora made her get up and go clean
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