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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Conclusion: Thor definitely can't drink. It dangerously affects his behaviour.
  2. Tereza just went to look after them, yelling and knocking at the bathroom door.
  3. Now I don't know where he got hidden at. Probably locked in the bathroom with Holly in another argument.
  4. I just hope he doesn't break any of the new chairs T&T brouht.
  5. More. Initially, they were supposed to come back on september 20.
  6. 2129 Marlene back in B5 with bags with stuff
  7. Tereza and Timur to bed. Bye bye B5. I'll turn back tomorrow.
  8. They all haven't actually been to bed yet. Looks like we won't be losing anything soon.
  9. Marlene is a complete dumb-ass. She sprayed the champagne all over the couch and on their phones.
  10. Danaya apparently doesn't seem to have much money. She has an older iPhone which she has to have plugged to a powerbank.
  11. 2226 Alana leaves without anyone showing her out.
  12. We can clearly see that Alana was forced to leave the project/ B2 "officially".
  13. T&T came back at around 2030, I can't exactly pinpoint, and seem to be getting ready to leave again.
  14. Because Bogdan visited B5 for the second time, this time with Nelly. The first time he showed up to play gta with him.
  15. Now it would be nice to see Timur visiting B7.
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