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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Btw Tereza is still in bed since 1200pm. I doubt she ever gets up before she falls asleep again.
  2. Now Tereza takes action and tries to talk with Thor.
  3. Now she peacefully tries to caress him but he refuses.
  4. Holly got up from bed and went to the couch right when Thor arrived in the bed. Then, Thor went to say something to her and went back inside, slamming the door This is already too toxic and sex doesn't solve the crux of the problem.
  5. 100% agree. And I just wonder why at least Trinity (who is her closest friend there) isn't comforting her.
  6. Leia in tears again. She looks completely destroyed... I hope it isn't because of Maksim or any member of her family.
  7. 2240 Holly, Tereza and Timur back with Lavika and Anya.
  8. 1355 Everyone left with some bags with groceries.
  9. Everyone on RLC decided to compete for the best fuck.
  10. 2052 Everyone left well-dressed/ with makeup on. B5 empty.
  11. Lavi carrying suitcases and other stuff out.
  12. IMO Anya should move to B1. I think I've only seen her there since she arrived. And adding to that, being her a friend to Marlene.
  13. 1640 Bogdan in B5, playing GTA woth Thor and Timur. Holly and Tereza went out all dolled up.
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