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Everything posted by costa049

  1. And btw, Amira asleep. I doubt they even realized her arrival.
  2. Well, if she's happy, good. But I see it as a pity since she will loose what she was feeling from the Villa. Let's see what B2 brings to her.
  3. Sorry, not to offend you, but you didn't quite get what I said. She might have even wanted it but I personally think it wasn't he best thing, for what I just said.
  4. Ok, but my question of if she also personally agreed or if it was just on RLC's side still remains. She was already very well integrated in the Villa and seemed to be liking the environment. And she even showed interest on the dance classes and shared it with Holly while telling her she was going to participate in the next one this week, after her return.
  5. IMHO I think (unless Luna wanted it) that this is another last minute stupidity from RLC. I think they both fit better the opposite way.
  6. They would even put apartments UM on every tenant switch in the past, which they aren't doing anymore.
  7. Why didn't Amira take it instead then, since she's pretty familiarized with B2.
  8. Not usual from RLC having a tenant being settled at this time of the night, especially in the middle of a party.
  9. Rus dropping the bottle into Marlene and Zabava's mouth. Holly shit, they are already pretty drunk.
  10. Marlene dropped her cup into Zabava's mouth and gave her a mouth kiss, and Nelly crazy on the main sink.
  11. Marlene just put her cup in Zabava's mouth and kissed her.
  12. I really like seeing Karol and Esmi having a nice moment together alone.
  13. Yesterday the party had already split up at some point with them either at different places in the house or at other apartments, either in separate groups or alone.
  14. I think it's more than that. I think that, beyond that, it's a behavioral matter. It's not nice to almost completely ignore another person who is at "my" house, especially other tenants in this case.
  15. She didn't need to leave the party in such hurry, she seemed to be enjoying...
  16. You have a point. I was talking more about the tenants there. They've barely talked with her today. Also yesterday she and Mat were a bit away from the rest during part of the afternoon.
  17. Luna appreciating and touching Zara's hair.
  18. And now the cleaning lady went on duty in the penthouse in some hurry with Luna's stuff still in there.
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