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sexy girl

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Everything posted by sexy girl

  1. Ahahahah very funny Albert .... Thanks for snatching a smile in this bad period ... Keep making us smile thanks🤣
  2. Good morning, but where did the kitten go ???😭🤣
  3. Hi Corvette, don't think so, be careful and protect yourself, I am paying consequences, I have two friends in intensive care, disconnected from respirators and every day they have to oxygenate the blood, a dead neighbor lady, myself for having had contact with these friends and the lady, I was quarantined at home for 30 days, I am fine in the meantime, but I am worried .... Being in Europe I hope for all RLC tenants to always be well and leave home as little as possible .... Attention LEORA and MALIA
  4. Hello Australian, a kiss and a hug, even in Italy the situation is serious, everything is closed, schools, bars, shops, only supermarkets and pharmacies open, you can leave the house only to shop, or for health, otherwise we must be closed everyone at home ... The infections increase every day, the only good thing that the recovered are more than the deaths ...
  5. Okay misunderstanding ... Because if I wanted to ask a question I would have asked ,,, let's see how many of you guess my age ??? But I wrote I challenge anyone ... this in Italian means to affirm something not to ask a question ... I believe that the grammar is the same in every country, I'm sorry but I don't think it was difficult to understand the difference between affirmation and question .. We will stick with different points of view,
  6. No it was not a question but I said that with a photo no one could understand the age .. It was not a question ... I did not put any question mark ... As vain as all women on the other hand .... ( if you had to deal with a woman wife you should know) ... I'm sorry if I didn't take your message as humor, .... Thank you for explaining your point to me ...
  7. Sorry for you, but now many users on this forum know me and have seen me ... The odds that he is a man are equal to 0% ... or maybe you have not yet understood the difference between man and woman
  8. Who knows why only you thought I was asking a question ... Mine was an answer ... I don't see any question marks at the end of my answer ... Maybe age makes you bad jokes at the sight ...
  9. You are wrong .. I never said I was a teenager but I always said I was a woman and a mother of a two-month-old baby ... Yes I was vain and I find your humor out of place to give me 73 years ... Sorry but my thought...
  10. I could be your daughter, not your wife ... I guess you would like me to be closer to your age ... But you are dreaming of a 73 year old with my body ... I'm sorry but nice as a cat attached to my nipples. ...
  11. If you can from the photos to say my age, congratulations ... I challenge anyone ...
  12. Voyer is when you spy on someone without the person knowing they are being spied on, if you know you are being spied on it is not voyer is making a show for the observer .... We will not agree on this point .... But at least I have could have had a pleasant conversation
  13. On what basis it says I don't know you don't know my life, as I don't know yours ... You can call it a voyer form, but the real word voyer does not mention various forms just the word voyer and this is not voyer ...
  14. If for you this is voyer ... Well read the word voyer what it means .... That's all but not voyer
  15. You already have them ... You said them ... On the basis of the visions of the cameras ... The fact of doing many shows attracts cameras and users who watch ... The deu things go hand in hand ... If Leora paints if I drain everything the boio day see if she would have so many watching her ...
  16. What if RLC pays for every tenant why do many tenants work? Linda and Tibor make fitness instructors and evenings as DJs in the disco ... The girls from Barcelona almost all work as image girls, ... the Italian girls both Sabrina, Carina, and the two girls at home with Nelly and Bogdan often talked about it in Italian ... At the end of the month they were counting on how many performances they had made and what they would have gained ... Also of this I have video evidence of their speeches
  17. I assure you that each polluter receives an extra payment for his sexual services ... I have confirmations of this ... You? ... If you want, I will contract you then you will tell me who is right hahaha if you talk, talk because you know it don't for your deductions ... Thanks
  18. Did you miss it or I have not read that the fees are based on performance (masturbations, sex scenes, etc.) ... Therefore it is true that girls and boys have no obligations or obligations to do something, but if you do nothing, you don't eat much
  19. Hi, I preferred when your avatar had photos of Ferrari 🤣hahahaha ... Apart from jokes no, nothing has happened yet, they have been awake until morning watching movies
  20. Good morning .. I don't think Malia will ever be like Leora .. Even when they put themselves in the same position Leora is spontaneous Malia in my opinion a little effort, however I would not see anything wrong if Malia became like Leora ... (only thing, I would prefer that a boy or boy behaved more as he felt without follow myths or stereotypes ....
  21. Today is March 8th the women's day ... Best wishes to Leora, Malia, to all the regazze of the forum and best wishes to myself, .... A forum full of boys and no one has remembered😭
  22. Your reasoning makes sense, and in part it can (perhaps) be comparable to Rlc .... You have decided to also sell fish in your shop to increase profit and satisfy more customers, the same thing could have done RLC, less real life to at the expense of more sex scenes, masturbations or lesbian scenes, to increase profit and satisfy more customers, if it showed real real life how many users would have paid RLC? To see a girl cleaning her house every day, doing washing machines, hanging, ironing, cooking, and in the evening lying on the sofa watching a movie wearing her anti-sex pajamas, ahhahaha
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