You don't like any of the girls so how would you know? Like it or not Rose is a sweetheart and a favorite to some of us. Even if there's only two of us.
Sorry my friend but those kind of polls don't really work for me. Having the best body or body parts are nothing without a good personality to go with them. True we have only what we can see and it could be misleading. But it's what we have to go on.
So the best tits and ass combo at this time for me is Rose followed by Gina..
Not directed at anyone. I also find the idea that a girl is not wearing panties to be sexy. But others seem to make a big deal of it and suggest that it means something....
I'd like to know what the hell makes the difference If the girls wear panties or not when they go out? If one of them decides to have sex having panties on or not isn't going to stop them.
Have some of them had sex when they go out? I'm sure they have.
Do they have sex every time they go out? I'm just as sure they don't.
But here's a fact! Nobody in this forum can be 100% sure of anything the girls do when they go out unless you are going out with them.
And to my knowledge no one in this forum is hanging out with any of these girls. So anyone that claims know know exactly what these girls are doing every time the go out is full of shit.