thanks jabbath, i been watching VH now instead of vv. i can only see the free cams. i just hope they give us more good views for free. thanks for the info on more cams
hello, its been awhile since i last posted. i see alot has changed. the first house, the yard cam is too far away and sound is too low. the kitchen cam is bad angle, you look straight down. plus why isnt the terrace cam free as well? plus the living room cam. i like the casahot house, the girls are hot. but they should allow more free cams in living room. im not complaining, im just giving my opinion.
good morning, something occured to me. why isnt anna and alex names on the list? only anita is listed. is anita really anna? it doesnt make sense, but nothing in vv makes sense these days. tula is worthless as is sofia and voro. all three need a major change. i have tweeted vv many times, but it like talking to dead fish in a pond.
happy new year 2017 to everyone. tula had a good party but it seems nothin major happened. also tula cams have been freezing and not playing good. i keep refreshing but it doesnt help. i really hope they fix it and we see something good in the new year.
hello.. I been reading all the posts and im glad I stopped watching vv. I saw the new guy with nelly, but that was a waste. theres nothing exciting to see in voro or tver. same ppl same thing everyday.
im goin back to rlc, but ill keep reading the chat to see if anything at all changes. I lost all hope for vv.
if and when theres new ppl in vv, I will watch again.
hello, its been a really slow, boring day/night in voro. nothing worth watching. i plan to take a break from vv starting next week.
jacky and tobi are getting stale. i don't care to watch tobi.
nelly hasn't been fun to watch either. she seems bored a lot. her night with petra wasn't my cup of tea.
nina and Robert, well not much to say.
i truly miss the good days with...dizi, phil, Christy, Julia, gavin, nastya, messa
I think there will be a party in voro soon. they are waiting for tver to come. they are playing the same games. I hope they get alcohol, we need some hot action tonight. I wont hold my breath tho.
I think nelly goes out now cuz its boring in voro and she don't have a guy.
hello.. looks like a repeat in tver. they played til 7 am this morning. its 8 pm there and they are playing again. I hardly ever watch tver as is.
voro isn't exciting either. things were goin good, now it seems things are slow. they need to spice things up more. I hope the new villa opens soon, they need to move some ppl around and bring in new single ppl.
I really think that ivo/Sonia should leave tver, bring in new single ppl.
I think jacky/tobi should go as well. or maybe nina/Robert can go
good Friday to all... its good to see nelly back. now we have a new girl in voro. she will be sleeping on sofa with nelly. voro is too crowded now. 4 girls 2 guys. I dont think we will see any action from the new girl tonight.
its about time we have a name for jackys bf (tobi) I dont really care for the guy much. he kinda reminds me of akira, always on the laptop.
i hope we get more exciting things, its been rather slow lately
yes the new guy left. he took his bag with him. not sure if he will return later or not. nelly is still gone. I wonder if she went to visit family or a friend.
jacky and bf have a lot of sex. I don't like jackys bf too much. they stay in the bedroom too much. I think they should move to tver and then Christy can move back into voro.
hello, the new guy seems really bored. it seems like the only one who really talks to him is nina. I feel bad for the guy, but I wouldn't sit on the couch all day. I didn't see the shower sex with nelly and new guy last night, but to me it wasn't much to see. when nelly left this morning, she kissed him, so im not sure whats the story between them. maybe we will find out more tonight or tmr.
as far as jacky and bf, they only care about having sex. jacky is sexy, but to me she acts like a snob. her bf is boring, he doesn't add nothing to voro. we still don't even know his name or if hes on contract. I would mind seein him leave.
nina and Robert are ok but they get boring at times.
I wouldn't mind seein jacky/bf leave. maybe even nelly as well.
jacky and bf have too much sex if u ask me. they are home most of the time. they don't work. I think they are starting to get boring. jacky does have a great body and figure.
I really like nelly and I feel bad she has to sleep on the couch now. id really like to see nelly with a guy, but not sure if it will happen. nelly also has a nice body.
nina is nice, but I think Robert is boring. if they were to leave, that could be good for nelly, she could have that room.
I notice vv doesn't allow outside friends to visit or stay over rlc allows them to have friends over and sometimes big parties. the voro/tver parties get stale and boring, cuz its the same ppl.