true...true, i got to admit i hated him at first ( maybe out of jealousy of not being in the position he is now) but after couple days of seeing him, i got to give the man some credit, whether he paid for it all or not...dude somehow managed to do what he did and got the girls to do what they haven't done for us before. :)
that is the only explanation i can come up with for all of them giving him so much attention, especially since they all look like models and he is well a monkeyman lol...we could be wrong, but i guess this just helps ease the pain of seeing all of these beauties with him haha
aggh my subscription ended couple days ago and i am debating whether i should renew my subscription or not. is it worth it? i feel like the main fun parts are already over and they will just go back to their sad life now lol. this is a tough call to make.
true like Alex almost cheated on Anna with Petra when he first came to Voronezh, but now i think both of them are content with each other like Ivo & Sonia.
he did say good bye and hugged Petra...he also kissed Anna good bye, so i don't think she knows about what happend before she walked into the apartment yet.
i think Petra and Jacqueline both want Alex...and they will def try again....from the previous months it's clear petra usually gets what she wants, and no one else can do anything about it lol let's see what happens.
doesn't look like she does, infact they were trying to hide it from her...that's why as soon as they realized she is on her way back...they got dressed up and stopped fooling around, 2 minutes later Anna walks into the apartment.
Petra gave Alex a BJ and almost started fucking in the living room while Nelly was helping them by locking the door and making sure Anna doesn't walk into the apartment..while she stood there and watched them so fucked up lol.