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  1. Everyone is posting on the video page, anything but videos, so I will too: It's a nice day today, chillin, watchin a little RLC.
  2. Everyone picks their nose at some point, but this motherfucker could win the Olympics if it was an event.
  3. Scooter: This is what she wants Paul you dumb fuck, give it to her like this. Are you an idiot, pound her like this.
  4. Scooter always tries to show Paul how to do it.
  5. Me too. Since they are gone I am too. Been paying RLC for 3 years and a premium member since they started that. When they brought in the fat chick, and with Nora was leaving, it was time.
  6. My eyes! My EYES! God help me I'm stricken with an unimaginable sight.http://camcaps.net/Smileys/default/poke.gif
  7. I had a paid membership when you get a chance - incomm65
  8. I am suppsed to be a paid member, and have been for the past few months, but now I'm apparently not. Please advise what I'm supposed to do now.
  9. I can just sit here and stare at it all day. Would love to spank it too.
  10. Reference Number: BE8A7-81F4E-923CC
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