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Everything posted by moos54

  1. I find it really funny that you express yourself in a moralistic tone when you come to a forum to talk about someone you can see naked or more on the internet and that you have paid subscriptions to rlc to see it live, which is not really moral in terms of your code of conduct 😁
  2. Can you tell me what you like in life? so that one day we can make you happy because apparently nothing pleases you, but that does not prevent you from coming every day anyway Suddenly I wonder if you would not have a cross in your cellar so that we can tie you up and whip you since you seem to like to hurt yourself 😁 Maybe I should have said bad things about Babi like that you might have taken his defense as for Serafima so in fact you just like annoyance 🙂 Just say white for you to say black and vice versa
  3. I love Babi, she has barely arrived at Masha's when she already has a visit from her beautiful friends Without wanting to give orders to RLC, a Roomate apartment with Babi in Italy could be a very good idea 😁
  4. We all have obsessions, for example yours is female masturbation 😁
  5. I simply asked a question about something that I know possible because I felt your first answer being on the defensive when I had made a post with humor
  6. His girlfriend isn't in Italy for the moment
  7. Nelly was back with Martina, they kissed each other and Nelly left
  8. In all honesty, I don't think you can judge them on the comments within the forum. If you remember when RLC had the Russian apartments with a lot of couples, most never had a lot of comments when there were some really cool things going on, simply because the GOV or Roomates apartments monopolized most of the conversations. it has always worked like that within CC and I don't think that will change even if the couples see a lot of guests again On the other hand, I have often noticed that Mirukawa was often on top cam so it's because she interests or intrigues a lot of people, personally I'm one of those people, she is new, and I find her interesting, and we are not lying ourselves, she is the only wind of freshness at RLC at the moment I think you don't pay enough attention to this couple when there are a lot of very nice things between them For my part, I see that Mirukawa seems to be really in love with Dantez at the sight of her behavior when she is with him, although it is true that he is often quite distant, but this kind of behavior is fine very good for a guy like him, that is to say a geek On the other hand, what I like a lot about them is the attachment they can have for the dog. I don't know who they are and what they do for a living, but what I see in the apartment, even if it is not ideal in view of their schedule, is already very good I really like the participants who live as if the cameras don't exist, and that's exactly the feeling I get when I watch this couple
  9. For me the big difference about Nina and Kira is that they are a real couple that has lasted for several years. So yes it's not always exciting, but it's still more interesting than participants who join VHTV just to do the show and make money, which is still the general trend of this site.
  10. You start to intrigue me 😒 Do you gain anything by giving Linda's account information to everyone? I'm obviously talking about money on possible future subscriptions I ask this because I have heard that it is possible with a sponsorship effect, which would prove that you are not that altruistic in the end. Personally, I prefer to pay myself a subscription to see her live every day and in all situations rather than a few photos that she wants to publish, but that remains only my opinion of course. But you are right that it is not possible to discuss with her via RLC, moreover that is a bit like the concept of this project at the start And that remains only my opinion, but I find it a little dangerous in this case to give the link of her account to everyone who wants it because it allows to know her real identity, she is old enough to know what she does but I find it very limited
  11. I wonder how many members will realize that they are going to have to pay a subscription to have access to her photos? Especially since it could be cheaper to pay a subscription on RLC to see her naked or more every day
  12. Sans vouloir faire mon moralisateur, il y a des règles à suivre sur ce forum et si des posts disparaissent ou des membres se font bannir, c'est souvent parce que cela va au delà de ces règles Je pense sincèrement que l'on peut discuter de nos différences et de nos points de vue sans pour autant devoir utiliser l'insulte comme si cela était un argument Ces derniers temps j'ai souvent supprimer des posts de ta part ou de Lucky pour pas que le forum devienne un endroit de pugilat où tout le monde pense que l'on peut insulter les autres sans en subir de conséquence surtout qu'il y a un endroit de non lieu sur le forum pour se lâcher mais souvent vous le faites au mauvais endroit Je vois souvent des critiques envers les modérateurs, qui ne sont pas forcément tout le temps justifier à mon goût, et celle qui revient souvent c'est que nous serions des dictateurs de la bonne conscience, pour des dictateurs, je trouve quand même que vous avez souvent la liberté de parole rien parce qu'on vous laisse dire ce genre de chose, il faut savoir utiliser les bons mots avant d'écrire n'importe quoi, allez faire un tour dans les pays où il y a vraiment de la dictature et après on en reparlera Les mots ont un pouvoir et malheureusement, comme dans la vraie vie, tout n'est pas bon à dire, c'est aussi pour cela qu'il y a des lois et que des gens se font condamner pour leur propos donc se faire punir de bannissement temporaire de quelques jours pour la plupart, c'est loin d'être cher payer
  13. I will solve your math problem because Nelly is not even 30 years old
  14. I'm going to tell you a secret, it's the same for most girls, even for the ones you like
  15. Like you when you understand Russian participants 😉
  16. Il est espagnol donc il comprend ce que dise les participants C'est pour cela qu'il parle de train 😁
  17. Are you telling us that she left to join Dantez and that she is far-sighted 🙂
  18. Personne ne t'oblige de venir si cela ne te plaît pas, je peux même te montrer la porte (de garage 😁) Il n'empêche qu'une personne t'as gentiment répondu et que tu l'as limite insulter au lieu de le remercier, donc je ne sais pas qui est le plus hautain dans cette histoire
  19. je crois que tu as déjà eu la réponse Dit moi qu'est ce qu'on peut trouver dans un garage?si tu trouve la réponse, ça te donnera peut être une idée par où elle est entrée à B4
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