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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Forbiden in public forum and it's also the wrong thread
  2. Bienvenue sur un forum où il y a quelques règles à respecter pour le bon vivre ensemble Estime toi heureux qu'il n'y ait que de la censure sur tes posts car ils sont de plus en plus nauséabond à lire Vivement que tu arrête ton abonnement et que tu arrête de nous les briser car il n'y a vraiment rien de positif dans la plupart de tes propos, seulement des insultes gratuites envers des personnes qui ne les mérites pas A bon entendeur ---------------------- Welcome to a forum where there are some rules to follow for good living together Think you are happy that there is only censorship on your posts because they are more and more nauseating to read Strongly that you stop your subscription and that you stop breaking them for us because there is really nothing positive in most of your remarks, only free insults towards people who do not deserve them A good hearer
  3. in fact it depends, we have other people who give information on the forum whose information and translations we can believe but when the information is too good or too big like most of the information I see in this topic, is that often this information comes out of the imagination of the person
  4. Sorry for you but others have a subscription and maybe they are interested in this kind of little thing like me Tout dépend, moi je vois que Maman Kitty se change devant les cams en nous faisant un petit flash sur ses seins 😉
  5. we are still in the middle of the afternoon and if I'm not mistaken they can go for a drink in a bar because they are open
  6. so close, Kitty's mom https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/22_4?ts=1617571178&from=share https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/22_6?ts=1617618871&from=share
  7. no the guest isn't Martina's brother, at least not the guy we know
  8. Déjà je peux te dire une chose qui n'est pas de la spéculation, c'est que Mirukawa n'a pas fait à manger pour les invités de Dantez, donc si déjà cela n'est pas une bonne information, je me permet d'émettre de gros doute sur tout le reste
  9. Faudrait déjà que les informations données soient vrais, ce qui est loin d'être le cas Sur des informations qu'il a déjà donné, j'ai eu beaucoup plus d'informations et de détails sur le couple qui vont en contradictions avec ses propos, et personnellement je préfère croire ces personnes qui ne m'ont jamais déçu plutôt que lui Je ne dit pas qu'il ne comprend pas certaines choses, mais soit il les devine au petit bonheur la chance soit il les invente pour combler les blancs dont il ne saisi pas le sens
  10. Il ne faut pas chercher tout le temps de la logique dans le comportement humain surtout chez les femmes ^^ suffit juste d'une mauvaise réflexion Dans tout les cas cela n'a pas durer
  11. Strange i saw Nelly made the bed clean this morning in her bedroom So let's see what happened next In any case Masha want to go outside Rome en Italy
  12. Non vue qu'on ne parle pas du même mec 😁 Alessandro est celui qui joue de la guitare et qui a sa petite amie qui vit entre l'Italie et la République Tchèque, c'est une bonne amie de Masha
  13. he's just a good guy but i don't think he wants to cheat on his girlfriend But he still played the game of flirting with the girls a little, except that they don't necessarily want to pretend to that. It all depends on how his relationship is with his girlfriend and what they allow themselves to do when they are separated like now. After that, I find more interesting things with Babi in the apartment, the last time she kept the apartment, she had guests, we got to know the little blonde not shy with the cams, those who were there Friday and Saturday, we also risk continuing to see Curly girl and above all Babi was not afraid to bring her big sister in this apartment too For me Babi is really the perfect candidate for rlc in a concept of apartment alone like Masha or in a roomates apartment whatever may saysome.about her. I agree that she knows very well how rlc works but she also shows that she knows how to ignore the GOV concept to give us even more other things
  14. personally I am much more interested in what will happen in Masha's apartment during her absence than in the possibility of seeing her and her boyfriend in Barcelona 😁
  15. Ce n'est pas tout à fait vrai, tout n'est pas fermé, par exemple, les fleuristes ou les librairies vont restés ouvert C'est simplement les commerces non essentiels qui doivent fermer pour une durée d'un mois minimum Pour ma part, je vais continuer à travailler car pas de télétravail possible dans mon travail car je suis technicien itinérant C'est un confinement comme celui qu'on a vécu en octobre 2020 avec la fermeture des écoles en plus, mais on est loin du confinement vécu en mars 2020
  16. ok i understand a lot of girls speak italian too, Amira for exemple
  17. We must not forget that Nelly and Bogdan were the first to soil this sofa 🤣
  18. So he should start now that he has time to start again 🤣
  19. or we need his girlfriend to come back to Italy, because she is not the last to party normally 😁
  20. So he doesn't have much time left for an orgy with the three girls 😁
  21. Funny to see the effects of alcohol as the party goes on, during the party Babi and Curly girl had a photoshoot idea and Babi screamed when she was naked and Masha's guy had wanted to enter the room at the same time He quickly understood that it should not be done and ran away On the other hand a few bottles later, we were not far from a rapprochement for a new threesome with Babi this time Too bad I think there must be a glass or a bottle too many In any case, they don't have a pretty face this morning but they stay in good mood 🙂
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