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Everything posted by moos54

  1. With this group of people coming from this manager the word "couple" is much too strong 😁
  2. if you pay more attention, Amy also did it in her bedroom and Ariana in B1's living room today Apparently it would have started with Ariana who showed this to the other girls, Irma and Gina do it from time to time too anyway, it's a disease that spreads in Barça much nicer than the covid
  3. some should embark on the work of screenwriters for series or films given their great imagination 😁
  4. I think he insinuated that in Italy the girls don't go out in the middle of the night, of course they are all angels 😁
  5. It's not the black guy but one of his friend who was here yesterday
  6. For me doing nothing on cam is already doing something, that's why i like all girls 🙂 there is not necessarily a need for a girl to perform or masturbate to be able to appreciate her beauty haters will always find an excuse to be able to complain anyway
  7. No way, she's only a do nothing for some 😁
  8. it's more curiosity and it allows us to better understand who are the people we are looking at There are some really good surprises from time to time Personally, I have never taken any action with these people, I continue to watch them from a distance, this allows in a certain way to continue the voyeurism, which started through the different projects with cameras
  9. Non il n'est pas petit et c'est aussi la race la plus répandue en France, donc il est normal que ce soit le chien avec lequel il y a le plus de morsure mais cela ne fait pas vendre de papier dans les journaux et ce n'est pas assez sensationnel pour les journaux télévisés Par contre dès que cela vient d'une race dite d'attaque, on en entend parler pendant 5 jours De mon expérience, les gros chien, même s'ils sont imposants, sont généralement les plus calmes et les plus gentils, il faut se méfier des petits chiens qui sont souvent speed et hargneux Je n'ai eu que des gros chiens dans ma vie, paix à leur âmes, et ils étaient tous très gentil et affectueux
  10. Sais tu quel est le chien le plus dangereux en France? c'est le Labrador Si cela te permet de relativiser sur la dangerosité des races de chiens Je persiste à dire qu'il n'y a pas de race de chiens méchant, il n'y a que des humains bêtes
  11. Except I never hid that I'm a curious person If you don't see the problem with your own behavior in the forum then I think there is nothing I can do for you
  12. Without lying to you, I did not even think about what Ash mentioned in his post but which remains the truth, everyone on this forum does not necessarily have good intentions unfortunately In fact, there are things about your behavior that I don't understand and will never understand You say things but you also say the opposite shortly after You want to make believe that this kind of information does not matter just like what the participants can do but behind you are the first to want to know everything that is happening on RLC and what the participants are doing Can't you see where the problem is with you?
  13. so why you want to know so much information about these girls? If I know everything I know, it's because I did some research, so if me little French can do this behind my computer, I guess anyone can do it I did not need to be given the information on the forum, I went looking for it like a grown-up What I do with the information I have is up to me If I want to give information to members, I do it gladly but in PM only
  14. No I don't think this rule is pretty fucked up at all Maybe others need to be adjusted, but not this one We are a discussion forum on what these people can do in the apartments Certain things must remain private and then if these things were said in public, you could no longer express your speculations on the lives of these girls I don't think you are ready to open your eyes to the reality of the participants and rlc
  15. This rule has nothing to do with RLC it's not allowed on VHTV forum too it's just a rule that the admin decided to include on his forum like the other rules that we can have
  16. Les chiens ne sont que l'image de leur maitre, si le maitre est méchant et frappe le chien, tu en fera un chien dangereux Si tu donne de l'amour à ce même chien, il sera une crème avec tout le monde même s'il est un chien d'attaque je le sais très bien car j'ai eu deux American Staff et un Rotweiller, ces trois chiens étaient de vrai crème et ils ne demandaient que d'avoir des câlins et des caresses, aucune méchanceté --------------------- Dogs are just the image of their master, if the master is mean and hits the dog, you will make him a dangerous dog If you give love to this same dog, he will be a cream with everyone even if he is an attack dog I know this very well because I had two American Staff and a Rotweiller, these three dogs were real cream and they only asked to have hugs and caresses, no meanness
  17. Could you ask your president if this is a bullshit virus? because from what I understand, he must have been on a ventilator to help him breathe and the doctors give him all the existing drugs to treat him, without really knowing which one can really treat him, something that you you will never have, seen that you are not president, if you fall ill and develop symptoms
  18. As long as everyone respects the health regulations in force in the country, I do not see why it would be forbidden to leave home to do activities if they are allowed to take place.
  19. it's clear each country manages more or less as they see fit in the face of this virus Even in France it is difficult to follow because in some cities there are bans on opening its bars while in others there are no restrictions. they try to manage where the virus is most present to limit contagion but this remains quite confusing for many trades In Spain, I have the impression that restaurants that are also bars and nightclubs seem to be able to stay open until midnight or 1 a.m., at least for those I know in Barcelona. While in France bars must close at 10 p.m. and nightclubs have not reopened since the first confinement imposed in March After all this doesn't prevent people from getting together and partying if they want to.
  20. OK no worries but you're still off topic 😁 it also remains the easy answer of a person who has no more arguments and who realizes his mistake you still have not answered the questions to know if you are perfect in your attitude towards this virus I am waiting your answer because look like you are perfect with this
  21. you allow yourself to judge people without knowing anything Already it's not because I can understand this kind of behavior that I act in the same way Who tells you they didn't test negative before they got together for the party? I know people who have been infected while they have respected the sanitary rules so even caution does not prevent anything How does RLC relate to the decision participants can make? everyone is free to make their own choices if we follow your idea, either rlc locks the participants in the apartments, or they close the project, so that there is no risk of possible infection within the project on the other hand, you did not answer my two questions, surely a voluntary forgetfulness which tries proved that I am right and that you are far from being perfect yourself
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