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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Je suis d'accord avec toi pour le côté divertissant de RLC, sinon on n'aurait pas d'abonnement pour certains On apprend quand même beaucoup de choses sur les personnes que l'on regarde au fil du temps, même sans forcément comprendre le language, en sachant que c'est la première chose qu'on accepte en venant sur ce genre de site
  2. Certains ont juste compris plus que les autres les bénéfices à faire le show mais cela reste quand même des personnes comme toi et moi, lambda Et c'est justement parce qu'il y a Eliska et Pepik au sein de ce même projet qui prouve bien que les participants ne sont pas des acteurs
  3. Des personnes qui vivent dans des appartements avec des caméras et qui ont une compensation financière pour être vue, comme un droit à l'image par exemple Sinon pour des acteurs, ils ont plutôt bien travaillé le scénario d'amis qui partagent un repas tout en discutant, un peu comme ce que j'ai fait ce week end, sauf que je n'ai pas de caméras pour le prouver ^^ et Blue n'a pas forcément raison sur tout non plus, moi non plus d'ailleurs
  4. Ces filles voyagent beaucoup et visitent différents pays, l'Italie comme l'Espagne sont des pays très fréquentés par cette communauté Russe et Ukrainienne En général, ces filles apprennent la langue du pays dans lequel elles vont rester quelques temps, on a vue pas mal de filles se mettrent à apprendre l'espagnol par exemple Pendant ces voyages, elles rencontrent aussi d'autres personnes que ce soit hommes ou femmes, d'où le fait que certaines ce connaissent depuis longtemps Rlc n'a pas à chercher bien loin les participantes car souvent les filles présentent propose à des amies ou connaissances de rejoindre le projet Par rapport à Masha, ça fait 4 ans qu'elle est en Italie, à Rome elle a apprit la langue et elle a rencontré des gens qui sont devenus des amis comme Babi et Piper, qui elles sont en Italie depuis bien plus longtemps que Masha Il n'y a aucun acteur dans tout ce que tu peux voir et oui c'est une grande famille, et c'est bien cela qui fait la force de ce concept
  5. Thank you for the compliment, I can tell you that I have fun like crazy with my jokes I have access to information you don't have Harley so it's not really speculation
  6. it's not their job like Leora and Malia? because this is the theory that you advance in this part of the forum
  7. So you are telling us that it is RLC which acts on the behavior of Eliska and Pepik
  8. I suspect that you will not change, after that I do not ask you either otherwise I will get bored and I could not laugh at all your contradictions
  9. In fact, I noticed one thing and you are not the only one, when you have nothing smart to say, which you have been doing for a long time, then you might as well be insulting to the other person who does not share your point of view I hope this allows you to at least raise your ego as it should, at the limit you can also kiss yourself in a mirror, it will have the same effect The only thing I'm saying is that Malia and Leora have been doing the same kind of show for several months now that we can see in Barça for years, except that in one case you understand and you are conciliatory, and in the other you are insulting, it shows a lot of things about you In no way am I referring to the fact that the Barça girls share a little more of their life than Leora and Malia who prefer to keep it off cam for quite a while now. (because even them are surely slutty with boyfriends in Prague) But apparently the fact that you talk about the presence of guys must work your brain a lot, are you changing sides given the importance they seem to have for you? because you are the only one to refer to these guys in our exchanges
  10. Babi is above all a friend of Masha for several years, maybe it is rather her who gave her the key rather than RLC The cleaning lady and the masseuse come at the request of Masha no RLC RLC is just a site with cameras, it's the participants who decide what they want or not to show
  11. I was afraid that you had changed, but no you're still the same
  12. Hello it's me again Little question, why are you so critical and insulting towards the girls of Barça when they do the same thing as Leora and Malia?
  13. they are more or less Babi's friends than anything else 😉
  14. that's not the only thing I said and let's say it didn't hurt her to have a good time laughing with the other girls because even if it is surely considered a show, which it's spending yesterday it was above all a good time with girlfriend without any fuss and a lot of laughing In view of Elmira's last days, I think it wouldn't be bad for her health to laugh a little
  15. qui te dit qu'il est un inconnu pour Monica? et je pense que beaucoup de bébé nés pendant des colocations peuvent dire la même chose
  16. can we call him SuperBogdan because he seems to have super powers over online dating apps like Tinder
  17. they really have no respect for the actors of the film who give everything they have during the action scenes
  18. It all depends on what people mean when they use the term "do nothing" Because Monica has often done the show for the cameras for her masturbations and she already had sex with another man during her second participation, but it was under the covers
  19. When you watch porn, I guess you're not turned on by the guy's hard cock, well it's probably the same for Taylor
  20. Look like "Do Nothing" Monica want a new name on the forum
  21. yes you may be right about the term used, In fact I said frustrating because I know that Elmira has the potential to do better, and for me the best is just to be a little more active with others and stop spending all her time alone in her room and I allow myself to say that because it is the girl that I follow the most at the moment at B4 For Harley, I just have to say white so that he can say black, or vice versa, if it happens if I say that I love Leora, he will maybe hate her out of a spirit of contradiction
  22. If Kira has lost her key, I know where we can find it
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