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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Alexandra and Lucian both share a ring on their ring finger which amply proves that they are not a fake couple but a married couple
  2. it is called simply making an observation of events and allows you to put the effects of the covid in a certain context This disease has just claimed more victims in 1 or 2 months than a war that lasted 20 years this allows things to be put into perspective and one thing is certain without the measures which have been taken, this number would have been worse than that of a simple flu, it would be time to stop veiling the face According to the calculation models in France, containment measures would have saved at least 60,000 people, so if we adapt this in the United States, I think you can multiply by 4 or 5 this number this is not intended to instill fear, especially since it is a simple interpretation of the figures made in the French media, for example here, they compared the number of deaths of the covid exceeding that of the big heat wave that we had lived in 2003 and that had also done a lot of harm for the elderly
  3. by foursome, I'm talking about four people fucking in the same room I do not think of a partner exchange to start, on this account there could perhaps be better say two twosome after if there is an exchange of partners, everything will depend on the state of mind of each person to know if this will have consequences for the rest of their lives for example Jane and Dick seemed to live very well their couple life with their desire to add spice in this one 😉
  4. no one can really know what people may think at this kind of event and that's also what I tried to make you understand Do you know why Eva left Sam in the apartment, with the guests, and that she left the apartment when there was the possibility of deepening the threesomes? Do you know why Jane made some sort of threesome with her best friend and her boyfriend? Do you know why Masha made the decision to live in a love triangle to finally lose Sasha's love? Do you know why Masha, Jane, Dick and Sasha made us a foursome? Do you know why we had lots of guests who came on RLC and we could see being naked for a shower or fucking, when there are cameras watching them? I would also like to know why you find understandable motivation for couples in Russia and Italy but you are unable to tell yourself that it can also be the same with these two couples who are currently living in B5? People make decisions all the time in their lives for a lot of things, the guys took theirs last night, maybe tomorrow they won't be out of the room and they will do the same thing as in the past, foursome, but it will be their decision that we may have the chance to see
  5. I'm just trying to make you understand things but you don't seem to want to see them To make it clearer, the events that you criticize at the moment are the same as those that you liked before when they were made in apartments in Russia In the end it makes you a great hypocrite
  6. How do you know that Eva and Sam were an open couple? the same for the guests? if we follow your reasoning with what we can see now, normally it would only be money that was the main motivation, because this is what you have been trying to make us understand since you are no longer premium member Now always taking into account your reasoning, I would like to ask you a question, which does not tell you that all the guests that we have been able to see on RLC in all the apartments even in Russia, were not coming for the money? I ask you this simply because you idealize this time when we had lots of very nice couple thinking that everything was great and geniune Why in Russia it was not to qualify as a show for the cameras when in Barcelona everything is only show in your head? think about that by putting into context some thing that we were experiencing right now Another question, how do you know that the two couples of B5 are not open couples? on what model do you base your reasoning? Only one thing is certain, a human being, what he can do and his motivations have always been very complex to understand.
  7. peut être que cela vient de vidéos qui ont était partager il y a quelques temps sur le forum d'ailleurs elles n'ont pas mis longtemps pour être supprimées de l'hébergeur
  8. Frankly it is not as strange as what we have seen in the past with Eva and Sam, Jane and Dick or Masha and Sasha, except that for you apparently you see a difference with the two couples of B5 Why with these couples were things that you tolerated and that you would qualify as normal when apparently for you B5 it is only for money? I can not understand this logic because either everything was done for the money and for everyone participating in RLC, or there is something else to take into account
  9. You base your analysis on what exactly, no longer being a premium member of rlc, you do not see images like those who are still members And as I said yesterday, I think the members with years of experience know how to share things about what is a show and what is not. For example, B1 was show, B5 was not show Apparently you no longer know how to make this difference So it may be time for you to change your disc because it starts to be repetitive and especially very scratch On the other hand I don't see what you're talking about with teasing show of K&K, because if you could analyze from what you see, you would realize that there was no teasing show in fact and that it was simply their way of being when they were together, there is never had any ambiguity in their friendship
  10. Strangely, I think Russia is not really in a hurry to bring back its nationals from countries where the virus is very present such as Spain and I think it's the same for GOV girls
  11. I agree with you when you say that the two couples are good when they are doing couple things each in their respective room, in fact nobody here says the opposite, Bonnie and Rama as well as Alexandra and Lucian are amazing and geniune, there is no doubt about that On the other hand, if you take the time to look at things, what happens between Bonnie and Alexandra is just as amazing and geniune and the fact that people talk about it more is just that it is beyond the scope of having two couples living under the same roof because it is not so common in the end But it is especially that we can see that this rapprochement evolves naturally and that there is a real alchemy and a certain sensuality between the two girls, there is also just as much passion between them as if they are with their companion so for many it's just as beautiful to see, it's like we have three couples in the apartment who are all amazing and geniune Maybe it's the effect of being in confinement all together that makes us now have this kind of evolution in this apartment, maybe if the two couples would have acted differently between them if they could have done this what can couples do when they have the opportunity to go out to see all that Barcelona has to offer But with confinement, they spend more time in four in the apartment, it allows them to get to know each other better, to discover common points and to develop something else
  12. Incredible 😞 More Americans died of covid-19 than in the Vietnam War More Americans died from the coronavirus than in the Vietnam War, according to data compiled by the leading Johns Hopkins University. A total of 58,365 people died in Covid-19 in the country, the most affected on the planet. A total of 58,220 American soldiers lost their lives during the Vietnam War (1955-1975), according to the official report published at the National Archives.
  13. it's funny because a few days ago it was Rama who did not seem very happy with this situation by the way Bonnie and Rama are fucking again
  14. Why, do you have any other idea of what I can do? I'm pretty sure you're going to be wrong anyway
  15. I would have said more that I would not be surprised to see Bonnie and Alexandra with Lucian I base myself on the fact that Alexandra and Lucian are a married couple and that it surely spices up their marriage
  16. Elsewhere I hope this answer is enough for you by the way its' 3:15 pm in my country so i go to bed
  17. A little yesterday and the girls started something between them since only two days, so all of this is new for the moment
  18. It was more at the expense of the date used You would have made this comment, I would have done the same on my side
  19. it's not at all what I do, otherwise I would not have put a little smiley on my post Apparently you didn't see it some understand jokes, some don't
  20. Anyway, for RLC pictures you should not use the camcaps attachment center but a third party host 😉
  21. I have a doubt about this information knowing that VHTV will be only 4 years old at the end of the year
  22. @Alladino you should to read this, from a medical newspaper in France in 2017 Bisexuality, a popular sexual practice? Love between women is trendy! "Bi-attitude" seems to be a growing phenomenon, especially among young girls who are increasingly asserting their penchant for both sexes, indicates a survey entitled "To bi, or not to bi", carried out by Ifop (Jan 2017) on sexual attraction between women. One in four girls under the age of 25 - compared to just 10% of boys of the same age - reports that they have already been sexually attracted to another woman, a proportion that has tripled in the space of ten years: 24% in 2016 , against 18% in 2013 and 7% in 2006. "Figures that correspond to what we observe in consultation", confirms the sexologist Laura Beltran, who was able to note a clear evolution. In his office, many young women between 20 and 30 admit either an attraction to women or sexual experiences. If this trend had affected the younger generation more often, it turns out today that older women and couples, also cross the line. More and more of them have already been attracted to a woman: 18% in 2016, compared to 11% in 2009 and 6% in 2006. "Of course the attraction for another woman is not just a story gender, the meeting is between two people "signals our expert, anxious not to stigmatize the protagonists. Bi-curiosity, a new authorization for sexual practices "This development reflects a greater social acceptance of female homosexuality in its factual form, more than in its identity form," says François Kraus, expert for Ifop. A finding shared by the sexologist who notes that in the office, women talk about their experiences almost without taboos: "it is undoubtedly because they do not endanger female identity, by affixing a label to them from the start "Homosexual", which is not the case for a man; the same experience leading to greater involvement ". The ambient speech is very different for the two, and it would seem that women seize this authorization, to try, to experiment without necessarily feeling obliged to define themselves. A hypothesis supported by the figures: one in four French women (24%) declares having already been hit on by another woman, and in total, one in three (32%) has or would one day like to experience this kind of situation. Results which also show that games of seduction between people of the same sex greatly exceed the proportion of women claiming a homo or bisexual identity. Sexual curiosity, the main motivation? Behind this phenomenon, there could also be a curiosity for bisexuality. "If we have to talk about the sexual revolution, in my opinion, it is mainly around practices that the change has taken place," continues our expert. Blowjobs, cunnilingus and sodomy seem to have won their stripes in our alcoves, and are today "almost" trivialized. Bisexuality, too, is poised to become part of "in vogue" practices. In the same way as masturbation, which has become essential in order to get to know your body better, the sapphic relationship would prove to be an asset for accessing pleasure; caresses (breasts, clitoris) are effectively at the center of the female encounter. In general, showing sexual curiosity opens up the field of possibilities in terms of enjoyment. "However, even if there are many fantasies around lovemaking between women, remember that sexuality is not only linked to the meeting of two sexes, and making love with a woman does not in any way guarantee access magic to orgasm, no more than with a man "tempers Laura Beltran. Media scene and bisexuality The media scene is illustrated by bisexual exhibitions of stars, in particular with the Girl Kissing, a gesture popularized in the USA, especially after the famous "shovel" between Madonna And Britney Spears, during the MTV Music Awards ceremony (2003) . The survey reveals that kissing the mouth is by far the bisexual gesture most practiced by French women (21% have already tried it), in particular among young girls where it borders on the symbolic threshold of 50% (45% among those under 25). To this has been added for several years an eroticization of relationships between women, whether in television, film (Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Mulholland Drive), or musical (Kate Perry, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera in mind) productions, which would contribute to a "glamorization" of bisexuality. For Franck Kraus, "the survey reveals that this evolution of the feminine sexual norms in force results at the same time from a change of representations, prescriptions and public speeches in the various media prescribing cultural scenarios in matters of sexuality". From exhibition to intimacy, motivations differ To this state of affairs, the sexologist wishes to bring a nuance, on the subject: "It is important to distinguish what happens in the intimate and what shows up in the exhibition. The motivations differ" decodes Laura Beltran . Two kissing and making love women is exciting ... for men. The hypersexualization of the female body is still current, and perhaps the stars claiming loud and clear their sexual freedom, by thus displaying their sapphic desires, are they still, unwittingly, playing the game of male desire. "Between curiosity and provocation, intimate and exhibition, the sexuality of women is explored in a spirit of openness, always in search of freedom to break free from" masculine "codes while submitting to them in turn in games of seduction, more or less unconscious "thus concludes the sexologist. Female sexuality continues its revolution, it is undeniable, with floating borders!
  23. So for you, it is inconceivable that the guys are not yet ready to fuck their partner one in front of the other? The guys weren't kicked out of the room, they just left to leave their partner in and the girls just decided to continue what they started in the shower Rome was not built in one day, this kind of thing can take time
  24. as long as you don't put "RLC" aside in what we can see and live with the participants, you will get nowhere and your vision will always be biased I sincerely think that you are wasting your time because it is impossible to have a real opinion on the events if we do not live them, and I do not think that we can do this a correct opinion by taking for cash a comment from another member on the forum If I take my personal case, I have my own vision of events that can take place within VHTV but I hardly ever comment because in the end I do not see them, having no subscription, and therefore I do not have all the facts to be able to be objective You have not been objective for a very long time and sometimes I have the impression that you have become like Harley, and sorry for him and you, but it is not a compliment
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