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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Even if the whole population has not yet been tested, the ratio in Swedish is not very conclusive and I believe that they are starting to review their copy
  2. In fact, no one has ever said that the economy should wait 12 to 18 months, everyone agrees rather that it is necessary to wait for the drop in the curve to possibly speak of deconfinement, but this one does can be implemented only if the health prerequisite for the entire population is effective In France there is talk of setting it up in mid May, but I think it will only really be set up during the month of June
  3. yes it will be a strange transition period, in fact it will not necessarily protect from the virus but will surely avoid overloading hospitals, so there will be better care and everyone can be taken care of properly
  4. je pense que tu as oublié le fait que je suis modérateur du forum et que justement cela me regarde quand même
  5. we can never really foresee these kinds of problems, it happens, and unfortunately it falls into the worst period we can live
  6. So, should we not count people who do not die but who are still in intensive care? this means that they are intubated and on a ventilator, which nevertheless leaves long after-effects and hard rehabilitation these people are not generally elderly and in poor health
  7. tu ne voudrais pas changé de disque s'il te plait car tu deviens plutôt une personne gênante Ici c'est le topic pour Leora et Malia, donc je ne vois pas pourquoi tu parle tout le temps des autres filles qui sont sur RLC, chaque personne est différente et personne n'est meilleure que l'autre Leora fait exactement comme les autres, elle fait le show pour les caméras, c'est aussi simple que cela On a comprit que Leora était ta préféré, c'est bien pour toi, mais pas la peine d'être insultant envers les autres filles, si tu ne les aimes pas, pas besoin d'aller les regarder non plus j'espère que le message est bien passé surtout que nous avons quand même certaines règles sur le forum et qu'il serait peut être temps de les lire Merci à toi
  8. Masha, Italy Martina, Spain Leora, Czech Republic We agree that it is the same RLC company, but in the end even this company depends on repairers in different countries, and all countries do not necessarily have the same response times and this is even more true now because unfortunately I doubt that solving a problem with the ISP is part of the essential work for the survival of Spain
  9. I know the situation in the United States is complicated, and surely more complex than in other countries I will be more than two months without having been at work, but for the moment it is not too worrying because I have a certain job security I also know that there will always be differences of opinion between Democrats and Republicans, but from what I have seen, even Republican governors, therefore from the same political party as the president, do not want to follow his ideas on a too rapid deconfinement, because precisely what is necessary to protect the population is not yet acquired I almost feel that soon to be 50,000 dead is not yet enough for some, as long as it does not affect personally, I have the impression that everyone does not care completely, it is this non-foutism that will attract even more people to the grave
  10. I have never claimed the opposite, this is also why I listen to the real specialists when they say that for the moment there is no effective treatment against covid19 and that the only thing to do to save lives as long as the sanitary provisions are not optimal, it is to stay at home
  11. For the moment all the studies prove that this drug does not do any better than a placebo, therefore nothing proves for all these people who speak about it, that it is this drug which saved their lives But they seem to have become experts for you
  12. he did the housework this morning, and I don't think it's for crazy girl Maybe Asian babe or the last girl on the list #19
  13. Are you serious in your words? Frankly immediately signs a discharge so as not to be resuscitated, that these "so-called experts" do not waste time with you and your original thoughts In fact what I see is that a certain influential person decided that it was the right medicine, and as a good sheep, you drink his words Except you have almost the entire medical and scientific community saying the opposite Personally, I prefer to follow the advice of "so-called experts" rather than a guy who knows nothing about medical
  14. European Medicines Agency warns about chloroquine The antimalarial chloroquine and one of its derivatives, promoted in particular by Donald Trump and by the controversial professor Didier Raoult as remedies for Covid-19, have serious side effects, warned, this afternoon, the European Agency for drugs (EMA). The beneficial effects of choloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have "not yet been demonstrated," says EMA, based in Amsterdam (Netherlands). And to continue: "Recent studies have reported serious, and in some cases fatal, heart rhythm problems with choloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, especially when taken in large doses or in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin". These treatments are also likely to cause liver and kidney problems, damage nerve cells, which can cause seizures and hypoglycemia, the agency warns. According to the EMA, the data from clinical studies of these treatments are "still very limited and inconclusive and the beneficial effects of these drugs on Covid-19 disease have not been demonstrated". In France, Professor Didier Raoult, owner of a world-renowned medical treatment and research center in Marseille, promotes treatment of Covid-19 using the hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin combination. But his studies, showing, according to him, the effectiveness of this treatment, are very criticized within the medical profession because of their methodology. In the United States, the results published Tuesday of the largest study to date, funded by the United States government, have shown no benefit of hydroxychloroquine against disease caused by the new coronavirus compared to standard treatment. On the contrary, it revealed an excess mortality with the use of hydroxychloroquine, alone or associated with azithromycin.
  15. I feel that this list is far from finished even if we can often see the same girls coming back
  16. it's funny to see that it's always the camera 3 in the kitchen that makes girls react, at the same time it's also the most visible because for me it is fixed on a wooden board which is itself stick to the window, you can see it with the camera 1 in the living room and camera 12 in the balcony One could almost believe that all the other cameras are invisible, when they are exactly the same but fix on the walls of the apartment I was already surprised me that question girl asked him the question for this camera 3 and not compared to those in the bathroom or the bedroom They have funny priority
  17. At the same time, this is not the right time to have issue about the ISP , especially in Spain right now
  18. You should find the list that I edited, normally I had put in order the arrival of the different girls I think in yours there are some small mistakes
  19. on my count, #10 is Big Ass Girl, the girl of yesterday but yes it's crazy lady :-)
  20. except that his expertise is completely distorted because he has no point of comparison, so in his study he is unable to say if it is this drug that works or if patients recover on their own by fighting the virus and for the moment the scientific community which makes tests on a larger scale than its own, gives conclusions which go rather against this drug science is not magic, it is not enough to say that it works for this to be really the case, besides there are lots of other clinical trials that are currently being tested and that are promising
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