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Everything posted by moos54

  1. look like only Stepan left, Maya is added on Roomate part alone
  2. c'est pour cela qu'elle range toutes ses affaires dans sa valise elle est arrivée en même temps que Leia, donc il est assez normal qu'elle parte aussi
  3. it's normal to be different when you are alone or when you are with your boyfriend never mind
  4. all the girls are on Barcelona for that (pay) All women are different and find their desires somehow I do not know if you knew Karol during her first visit, but I think no, otherwise you would be very happy with her second visit Great view of her whole body, sharing her relationship with her longtime boyfriend, opened bate Frankly, it's not because I really like Karol but I think she was pretty nice to watch, even at parties with Leia to do the show of cams Kamila and Kristy are also pretty girls who are not afraid to have sex without any restrictions( don't count blowjob ), and yet both masturbate under the cover , womens are very complicated to follow sometimes
  5. we know what we loose but we don't know what we won, maybe the new girls could be worst than Leia or karol by the way, i don't understand why you hate karol i don't see any difference between her or other girls you like more, Avi or Gina
  6. a ouais j'avais oublié que de temps en temps elle le fait aussi dans la salle de bain j'ai pris l'habitude que ce soit le domaine de ma Kaley
  7. google translate could be your friend, he is mine sometimes for understand you, if you don't to be lazy to use it
  8. moi non plus, je n'est pas de problème je donnais simplement mon point de vue comme tu me l'a demandé ;-)
  9. le problème de Kamila est que tu ne vois rien car elle est sous la couette même si on peut voir qu'elle prend du plaisir Kaley est beaucoup plus ouverte d'esprit vue qu'elle n'utilise pas la couette par contre aucune des filles n'a de problèmes avec la sexualité devant les cams, toutes ont déjà eu des relations que nous avons tous eu le plaisir de regarder C'est juste que kamila et Kristy se sentent mieux sous les draps
  10. yes i see that in the forum, but i have a little doubt about this, it's real or a show for the cams that's the problem when you opened a house with cam girl or porn star
  11. don't forget Stella, i think she's here for that ^^
  12. Each site is different, they have good and bad sides I find it difficult to compare them because they do not work the same way
  13. both sites have these terms in their slogans if i'm not wrong it's just completely different that's it This is just my point of view but I have trouble finding a semblance of reality when I see pictures on twitter showing explicit photos to sell some sort of show in the making, and suddenly it looks more like an amateur site porn has a voyeurism site I like to be surprised and I like the authenticity, for the moment, it's what I find in RLC and not enough on VHTV
  14. maybe because they have a real life, think about it ;-)
  15. I know a lot about the different participants of VHTV but also of RLC If we do not count Betty, we have participants who are around in the same ages The only difference is that on RLC, they do not seem to have the need to do shows every night to have views and so stay in the project (I just refer to the different as I understand from Groomy, maybe I'm interpreting them in the wrong way) On RLC, we often see family and friends visit, and I find that it brings some more We can see the same thing on VHTV but these apartments are not the most popular because I feel that members want sex and nothing else
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