Little thought of the day, what is the use of a shower curtain? I know that most of the members here will tell me that it is better to hide, but in the real world, which is by the way the same as that of the tenants of VH, it especially helps to avoid a flood when We take this famous shower
I do not know you, but by force, it must be boring to mop all the time, right? maybe it's time to move the camera in better view if it's possible
It's a shame that some people forget all good common sense, just because it's VH and they want to see the nude, sex and some other things
And I find it a pity that no one takes the time to appreciate the beauty that Teya is, I also see that people complain that they make love in the dark, but hey, they make love and they do not hide, for the rest there is the NV