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Everything posted by moos54

  1. nope Lia has acne on the left face and Mia was her toenails painted like i said Mia has a ring in her left hand, Lia not ( But occasionally she wears a bracelet) Lia has a birthmark on her right cheek yes Mia more nude yes also
  2. yes she was but you're wrong Mia take the shower at 17:00 and Lia take the shower earlier than her i have more video and photo of the two girls for not to deceive me sorry to disappoint all of you but i'm not wrong on that
  3. Look better next time then ^^ For information, Mia is the one who has varnished feet, who has a ring has the left hand and a mole has the right forearm Lia is the one who has not all that ^^ No need to get upset buddy
  4. yes but you're wrong Lia was in the bedroom and Mia was in the shower Mia uses brown towels and Lia the beige
  5. the link is layla not the guest it's just for saying not asking ^^
  6. Je crois que je comprendrai jamais les gens de ce forum qui ce plaignent constamment, et certain on un peu oublié le vrai but ce que voulais dire RLC, je suis d'accord que Kami est souvent absente en ce moment, et alors, vous devriez être content pour elle non? tout le monde se plaignais quand elle etait dans l'appartement à ne rien faire et maintenant qu'elle à l'air de bosser, les mêmes personnes se plaignent encore . Ce n'est pas une actrice X non plus donc si vous ne rechercher que du sexe, allez vous matter un bon porno pour évacuer votre frustration. De plus, cet appartement et le seul qui n'est jamais était vide lors de l'absence des filles, et la encore vous êtes encore entrain de vous plaindre de pouvoir connaitre Yula, Katya, les Anges, les mères des filles, et toutes les guest qui ont pu venir dans cet appartement et qui se sont retrouvés dans la salle de bain. Franchement, les gars, partez consulté un spécialiste car vous avez de gros soucis ^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I think I will never understand the people of this forum who constantly complain, and somewhat forgotten the real purpose what RLC wanted to say, I agree that Kami is often absent at the moment, and then you should Be content for it not? Everybody was complaining when she was in the apartment doing nothing and now she seems to work, the same people are still complaining. This is not an X actress either so if you only look for sex, go and check out a good porn to evacuate your frustration. In addition, this apartment and the only one that is never was empty when the girls were away, and again you are still complaining about being able to know Yula, Katya, the Angels, the mothers of the girls, and all The guests who were able to come to this apartment and who found themselves in the bathroom. Frankly, guys, go consult a specialist because you have big worries ^^
  7. I want a name, who dared to damage this work of art of Yula? So it makes me want to go consoler, it's smart ^^
  8. juste comme ça tu as pas l'impression de transgresser la première Règle de ce forum qui est de ne pas divulguer l'identité des participantes tu es vraiment irrécupérable toi
  9. Je savais pas que les initiales Rlc voulais dire "obligation de rester enfermer pour faire plaisir aux différentes personnes qui regardent" ^^ Vous êtes quand même au courant ( toi ou toutes autres personnes pensant comme toi) que ce ne sont pas des cobayes mais bien des humains qui ont quand même une vraie vie en dehors des appartements
  10. The fact that she has been blown up by another should not help much
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