Not everyone thinks the same Phantom but i agree with you that she should have got at least 1 vote maybe some people didn't really read the question properly.
I'm with you Harley I've always said new blood would be better but if you think back how B1 was before Irma came back and bought it back to life no new girl's even wanted to stay there.
You know i had Cancer for the 2nd time and December they took my Spleen out since then iv'e been having problems with my back now they think it might be in my bones i find out the results on tuesday so i hope it's not Cancer
Hi guy's iv'e been in hospital for a few days and i come back and my favorate girl Stella is gone it's too many pages to catch up can someone give me a quick wrap up of what's been happening.
Just finished work reading the post's I don't think i missed that much but Jasmin dressed to kill I'd love to see that if anyone wants to send me a picture of how she looked tonight i would appreciate it
I know we are not supposed to get involved with the girls but the fight between Kylie and Stella I hope they can work it out because they are such good friends it makes me feel sad that they no longer talk to each other maybe I'm just a big softy.