My father used to say to me when i was a kid growing up
Squeeky gates get the oil
meaning if you have 2 gates 1 squeeks it will get oil in the joints the other one won't
we have to be the suweeky gate
make noise or nothing will be done
If we sit back and say nothing then nothing will be done
If we try and nothing is done at least we can say we tried
I will send them an email everyday until they are sick and tired of me
i want all of you to do the same thing
Plenty of things in this world have been changed by people power
if we a threaten them they will buckle
but it can't be 1 or 2 we have to unite together on this
I just sent RLC a email this is what i said
I am not going to pay anymore money unless a camera is put outside on the balcony
i don't pay you money so the girls can sit outside and i look at an empty room
I have a lot of friends feel the same way and we will all leave RLC unless something is done about it soon
you should all write a similar email to them