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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. This was funny she couldn't get the ice out all she had to do was tap it upside down and they would have fell out
  2. I'm not saying i'm right or wrong it's just the way i saw it I suppose we will find out in the morning if there is an apology or not talking to each other
  3. The way she ripped the charger plug from the wall was an angry pull I wish i recorded it so i could have a look back at it
  4. Mike i'm like you i think these guys dream on too much about lesbian fantasys But it looked to me like Milena wasn't happy
  5. what i seen Lima said something and went to the toilet Milena said something and Lima stuck her head out the toilet door and said something back Then Milena ripped the charger out of the socket and grabbed the pc and went upstairs mumbling then Lima went to the kitchen and Milena said something to her from the top of the stairs then went to the bathroom washed her face and went to bed mumbling all the time I have no idea what was said but it didn't sound like sweet dreams darling see you tomorrow they sounded angry
  6. You guys think about things too much yesterday someone said Lima gave Milena a bad look so she doesn't like her Now you say Belle doesn't like them because she didn't go home You have to remember Belle likes the girls in Barce 2 and is comfortabe with them
  7. If RLC ever got rid of these 2 apartments they would lose a lot of money I'm sure a lot of people would leave I know for sure i would be gone
  8. I'm not sure when this was after one of their fuck sessions (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed)
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