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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. Give me strength RLC has stooped to a new low out of the whole of Ukraine this is the best they can come up with
  2. I don't mind if they bring guys home to fuck I just don't want the guys hanging around like a bad smell
  3. I'm a bit disappointed i was hoping for another young one like Belle or Megan so Milena could have her way with them
  4. Same here Des when i first saw her i thought fuck she's skinny but looking at her now she's beautiful i especially love her ass
  5. I'm wondering what the connection is with Carolina they did seem to know each other when they first met in Barce 2
  6. There are men's magazines still around but i would say it's website work maybe something like Irma did.
  7. From what i heard last night Milena was talking on the phone to someone in english saying she had this beautiful young girl dancing in front of me So maybe she knows someone in the modeling field of work
  8. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed) She went to sleep with the vibrator still inside her I wonder if its still there
  9. I missed the last Stella show but i caught this one thanks to someone mentioning it in the Barce 1 thread so i hope people will keep giving people the heads up if they notice something happening.
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