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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. Yeah your right Mike but still think they could try a little harder and beardy boy didn't help things when he was there the girls were not comfortable around him
  2. Your so right it is RLC's fault someone said in an earlier post there is just no chemistry between them
  3. Your quite right they should not be called Whores,sluts,prostitutes,call girls and hookers in fact i myself did call the girls sluts once and i was put in my place by Mr1010 i knew i had said the wrong thing. I don't expect the girls to get naked and masturbate and have sex but if they do it's a bonus i won't argue if they do.I have no idea how RLC works weather the girls and couples have contracts or not but in this day and age the way the world is my guess would be yes they do,but what is written in their contracts we will never know unless someone from RLC let's on out and i doubt that will happen. So i don't think anyone will take you up on your offer to send you a contract so it looks like your going to be here for a long time. The other thing i said about bullies there are bullies on here i never said you were one of them in fact i never mentioned any ones name i just said that these day's bullies are a lot different to our day's growing up with social media the way it is. I'm happy to chat about anything but i think we have gone way off subject with this being Vica,Elisa & Rita general chat so let's get back to the girls I'm going into hospital for a day or 2 i'll catch up with you guy's then
  4. When we were younger things were a lot different I was like you brought up the right way but things are different today with social media kids in school can be bullied in their own bedroom not even the parents know until it's too late. Plus the kids these days have no respect for anyone even the law so I don't know how this world will be in 50 years time I'm just glad i won't be around to see it.
  5. Bullies are a big problem in the world today in schools,the work place,Facebook and Twitter even forums like this one we have to stand up to these guys and let them know that they can't get away with it
  6. Harley you left out the bullies every one knows who they are the problem is the bullies don't think they are. I'm big enough and ugly enough to look after myself but i have seen a lot of guys who are just trying to have their say and get put down and degraded Weather you agree with them or not it's their own opinion
  7. These two are the perfect couple He walks around with no shirt on And she walks around with no pants on Together they have the full outfit
  8. Blue is counting her money in the bedroom she must have got paid for flashing her front bum
  9. She's a beauty a few other girls could follow her lead
  10. There are a lot of people these days removing tattoos with laser treatment because they regretted getting them when they were younger.Myself i don't have any tattoos but i almost did on a drunken night with mates 30 years ago i'm so glad i didn't go through with it,they look terrible especially on a woman.And even worse as they get older wrinkly skin.But that's just my opinion
  11. Elisa is on the balcony doing yoga i'd love to be a neighbor perving on these young russian girls that come and go every few months
  12. Did anyone else see the banana the next morning ha ha it was a little bit worse for wear I'm not sure if I got a photo of it or not I'll have a look
  13. this one is funny something smells fishy (Content No Longer Available)
  14. And the award for the most useless camera in an RLC apartment goes to Drum roll...................................................... Dasha and Demid camera 4
  15. I just logged on and the first thing i saw was Kami with the white paint on it scared me alittle
  16. I've been away all day Have the girls spoken since that magnificent moment I would be interested in what our translators can pickup from their conversations
  17. It was incredible we have been waiting for something like this for a long time it was definetly a pash
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