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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. Is anyone else having problems with this website Ive never had problems before and i don't have problems on other websites
  2. I've been away all day what the hell was vica doing with a cucumber
  3. Fathers day is in September here in Australia but i know of friends in the Philippines it was father's day there yesterday
  4. Does RLC ask why you are cancelling because mine is finishing 12 july and i'm going to cancel
  5. Mikey yesterday you thought you heard Irma say massage to Rita Well just listening to them now in the kitchen there are so many words in their language that end with arge I with you hope but i doubt it
  6. Kristy just showed Kami something on her phone and said look they caught you playing with your kitty
  7. Ok next patient is Irma but we have to take her temperature first bend over and say ahhhh
  8. She buttoned that man shirt she wears in the wrong holes lucky she tucked it in one side was longer than the other
  9. Ok Dreamer we put our best psychiatrist's on you you can get off the couch now same time next week see the recepionist on your way out
  10. 2. Rita is a very classy woman, probably comes from money, She is quite reserve. She is very friendly, but also driven to succeed. Very beautiful and great body. Quite intelligent and desires to become a business woman. and a snob
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