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CC Powerdriver

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Everything posted by CC Powerdriver

  1. thats the one true thing people liked about nelly her smile i have heard that from many people
  2. You guys reckon Nelly & bodgan broke up normally they are at dasha's together but not this time
  3. I would of started a thread on it but didn't bother as it is no surprise to me that Nelly is at dasha's after all she is a friend of her's and been there lot's of times
  4. The way of the world these days u look on the internet full of selfies
  5. Funny thing to say but she reminds me of Nora when she has them glasses on she really does
  6. What do u guys think of the masturbation scenes on rlc do u reckon they are real or fake. hate to say it most mite be fake leora's to me always looks fake and zoya's looked pretty much real just a couple examples I have a mixed reaction on this topic
  7. I would like to say well done to our newest mod stncld u can add him to the mod list as well now
  8. and i myself am not a newbie i have been watching rlc since early 2014 believe it or not. new to the forum but not to rlc at all
  9. not just singing but nina or kira plays the piano to
  10. it was a joke mate just said it because rlc is so mixed up at the moment i dont think they even know what they are doing lol
  11. august 19th could be the day that they leave rlc for good instead they might reverse it instead shouldn't think so now though
  12. wow they are partying so hard in there ain't they lol
  13. How many moderators and admins are on this forum I no country sheriff u r 1 of the moderators
  14. I also choose stncld to be the next moderator as he is a great guy and would work well as a mod I would choose myself but I can't but I would like to be a moderator 1 day but need to be on this a lot more and improve myself to become a moderator
  15. Do we need more or less lesbian apartments I think if the lesbians was good and normal and not man lesbians like that Carina or Sabrina not sure which is which apart from that I think I would like more lesbian apartments if they was not man lesbians. people who like to have sex and fun that's what we want
  16. Last night Kristy give condoms to kamila that's all the prove you need to know they are not lesbians its just make belief to keep us watching doing this lesbian shit picks up ratings
  17. It's better having couples then people on it who are just friends living together and not a couple
  18. Are Karen & Tanya a couple then if so hopefully voyrurvilla will get better with more couples needs more apartments to keep me interested
  19. N & b are now officially gone on archive list now
  20. Now it says efim discussion in brackets but it didn't before
  21. sorry about that never new if the topic had efim in it maybe we would no lol
  22. i see efim is back in the apartment i wonder if anythink is happening between these to this seems kinda weird why he is here
  23. a bunch of funny faces check out the last one that is the funniest
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