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Only because i dont like him. It was strang how it develops. Quite without warning. Only this brash attacks by Ivorian nothing else. The whole party dizi was into her mobile phone and nothing else. Especially not in Ivorian. To me it look like a script. But that is something i try to accepted now.
Interressting is, that I would currently rather tend to stay at VV. As I said, VV does not feel like pornography. It's something else. No idea what. Maybe swingers with contracts and a skript. ;) Probably, I am wrong again and I have to change my mind later. But after two more weeks I will know more. ... But, at least up to now, VV was worth the money. They have something to offer. Somthing different as expected, maybe. But it's something. Due to kristy and kamila, I was sure, right from the beginning, that nothing would happen. I had fun watching them. Bacause, Nice looking and sympatic girls are more importend than sex. At least for me. At the end of the last VV casts, VV had a vote on the new direction of the villa (couples oder girls only; simplified). I voted for a girls only apartment. Even now, I think that we have enough male residents. I would prefer one or two girls to move in to fill the free spaces. :)
One thing is certain. I do not like Ivorian. Far too little respect for the girls, i think. But, It is like in the old appartment with lilu and milka. We know nothing about the contracts and about the skript. Why VV did not kick out Ivorian? Why dizi has decided to have sex with him, even if she ignored him the hole party? Who is the person dizi has sent the selfis to? He or Her could be the real interest of her. Why is tanya togeher with akira, even if it do not look like he has a real interresst in her (beside the sex)? What is going on with this skype sessions of petra? Where is the red head girl? Is the sex part of the contract? What is real in the villa? Since so many questions remain, it is completely unclear where there journey is going. My problem is, that the fun is gone, when the development is missing. If the sex arises from the situation, i can understand it. But if everything comes from nothing, because it is given in the script, it seams to be wasted effort. Porn is alredy available on the Internet in mutch better quality and wider selection. ... What makes RLC difference from porn is the reality. Sex is only a part of it. But, If the reality is skripted, is there still a difference? I think, I've already answered my question at the top of this post. I dislike Ivorian. This is a emotion. It feels as if i know him at least enough to dislike him. And that is not based on my first impression. It is based on my observation from several hours. The script specifies the events, most likely, but the residents are just normal people with their own personality, their strengths and weaknesses. You can like or hate them. This is not porn. So. What is next now. I dont know. But. With the exception of Ivorian I like all of the residients. So VW found some nice people. Yes, I think it would be better if VV would give the residents more free running. But, obviously VV is on the way, they have invented for themselves. And compared to earlier, this way can work. It's still exciting to see what comes next. So as long as there is always something new ... Let's see if VV can go on like this ... In two weeks, I will decide whether it is sufficient for me or not to spend more money.
Ok I was really wrong! ... It was scripted (at least the first round) but she was definitely not uncomfortable. ;) Now, I have to see, if I still have fun to watch a villa, which is skripted as a whole. :-\ A little more than 2 weeks are left on my account to find an answer. :)
VV tends overdoing everything. It is important that everyone can feel comfortable, also the girls. With guys like Ivorian this seams not to be the case. I hoped that also VV recognizes this and find a replacment. Now, It look very skripted to me and it seams be to late. Too bad. The reality is dead now in VV.
This like this idea. :) The party could take place in varoneth, that would fit. :yes:
Is it? Now you can see how quickly they run out of air when they try to run the 1000 meters in under 10 seconds. Yes, The boys have fun. But is that so imported? Tanya seems to be sad and dizi is just on her mobile phone. Petra showing her strip, again. It is work now. The urgently need to reduce this games days.
3 days trial access for $4.95; You can cancel it, before the month period is started. I realy think this is a fair way to test the page.
I have a simple tip for You: You could just buy a VV ticket. That would be somehow fair, isn't it? ???
Karen is not a victim. The connection between the two, does not look healthy right form the beginning. That's at least also his fault. To feel sorry for him, is a good thing. But he is not a victim.
I see it the other way around. Voronezh should not become a second Tver. I like it, that both apartments are running at different speeds (in case of the bedroom action). Varonezh works mutch more realistic and natural and VV should keep that. So, the addition of new residents (at best two females ;) ) would be a much more reasonable development. For the real settle in of Tanya, even Tver needs some time, now. Despite all the action, this process is far from be complete. I hope VV will reduce the pressure over the comming week days. A few days without party will not kill the project. In the medium term VV sould think about a replacement for Ivorian. It do not seem that he is liked by the girls as mutch as he thinks, which could the result of the lack of respect he shows for them. I am not sure about this consideration, because also Akira acts sometimes disrespectful. But obviously he is mutch more appealing to the girls. Maybe he's just more attractive and/or sympatic. No idea. In any case, it is worth considering the question about the status of Ivorian in the project.
I would also prefere one or two more girls. Especially because it seems, that the boys almost always remain at home while the girls are on the road. We have, for example, currently three residents in the apartments and all of them are male. :( The new resident however make a positive impression. Just a boy, but maybe his girlfrind will move in later. ;) One additional thought: Based on there behaviour during the stretching and on the couch, I suspect that he plays one of the show elements planned by VV to keep everything exiting. I could imagine that he and dizi are already a couple and will play a "come togther".
She is still in bathroom. Now talking with with akira and look happy. :) Well, I was not sure if she will still like this.
The time was obviously chosen appropriately by VV. So completely without warning. Unexpectedly. Can you rejoin? The sex, however, was also unexpected too. Very Intensive. For me a litle bit too much man to man contact. Nice show.
Her decision. I think it's sick. My opinion of the guy is different now. He is an asshole.
Am I the only one how think he can not keep up with Tanya. I always thought that would be really obvious. No idea where they are come from. He was perhaps the best thing to get there. But this is Moscow. Maybe they hoped for some change, just because there relationship seems to be wrong. I dont know.
This corresponds almost exactly to what I think. :) There are a suitcase and clothing on his bed. So. It looks as if Karen is about to leaf. This would allow many improvements. So. Maybe I should not give up so easily. Now, I would be delighted if a real couple would moving in. ;)
Except the condom incident, I also think that the girls are treated fair in both appartments. The girls do not look as they feel uncomfortable. So. No issue, that need to be discussed. Karen, on the other hand, could have guessed this separation weeks ago. From the beginning, there relationship was strange. He behaved like a child. Unfortunately for him, there are not a lot of girls out there which like it to be attact with the water gun or with the sitting ball. Especially not several times a day. Almost always she complained and almost always he has continued. At least the next day. Stupid. So stupid. A short time this might be endure, but for a lifetime. I do not think so. Hmm ... Maybe the separation was suspected by VV from the beginning. I had always wondered, why they had casted him.
Why, because she broke up with Karen? That is her right and also very easy to understand. How she did it, was certainly not fair. But this is not an issue for VV, I think. But the play of using of a condom but actually didnt use it at all, is realy wrong. Since it is ultimately about the health and self-determination of both. Especially in an environment like this. How can such a person be trusted? This simply disqualifies him for everything in this apartment.
Ivorian is truly an asshole. He has just played that he would use a condom and realy did not used it at all. :bang head: Petra ist pissed, legitimately. Such an idiot. For this, I would throw him out of the project.
But please, not with karen. That would be just to disgusting. Dizi would certainly not start something by herself. So, it would have to be played and skripted by VV. And this show, realy nobody like to see, I think.
The show must go on. :( Too bad for dizi. She need to handel the new guy and the abandoned kid to. :doh: No fun. Sorry wrong thread. I keep it, because it is an answer.
Somthing is wrong in VV. Would Karen leaf the project, Tanya could return to the apartment 1. Currently, It simply does not work well, I think. Generally, It would be nice to have slight more girls in the project. The new male resident only makes sense, if his girlfriend will arive soon, too. ;) Currently there is a real couple missed in the project, i think. Maybe she will remain somewhat longer as all the other girlfriends. This would be nice, to get back more reality in the project. When I think about it, it would be ideal. One couple with tanya and dizi in apartment one. The tow guys with Petra and the red head girl in apartment 2. :)
Can it be that the stream quality is degraded? It seems as if they compress the stream very strong, now. I had rather hoped for an improvement. :-\
Now, I think, that there is more reality in the villa, that I have suspected. Sorry for that. I believe, that he kowns what has happened. And i also believe that tanya must had known that this information will find it way to karen. Not a nice way to end a relationship, but it has nothing to do with cheating. If she had not intentional left him, she would certainly not have taken all her clothes with her. No idea how this will proceed. The easiest way for VV would be to ask karen to leave. Here I am very biased because I found him unsympathetic right from the the beginning. I think this separation was important for tanya. Whether she remains in the project or not, now a new chapter starts. I wish her all the best. I really hope that she now do not expect too much from Akira. He's a nice guy but certainly not interrested in a committed relationship. At least it looks currently not like it. For Karen, I can only hope that he learns from his mistakes. He urgently needs to grow up.