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Everything posted by MrBox

  1. I've also assumed something like that. .... before several weeks .... Now, I no longer believe they will succeed. I would, however, like to be wrong in this point. ;)
  2. Everyone should be able to speak his mind. However, is important to thinking about what you want to say before you post it. For a meaningful contribution in the forum, you should also still be connected to the real world, i think. This apparment is about to see a few good-looking girls and a part of their daily routine. This is what we will also see from Jenny. So. As long as the people behave normally and are not inappropriate, we should spend them some respect. The anonymity of the Internet should not put aside this human behavior. Little things, like her operations, should not cause such a denial, i think.
  3. Kamilla was also two times in the appartment. I like the possibility for the residents to have a come back. Maybe we'll see Kamilla for a 3rd time. :) Think about it. Currently RLC has a good mix of different personalities. I do not like them all, but most are sympathetic, nice looking and fun to watch. My personal favorites are: N&B (!), S&H, Nora, Zoya and the blue hair guest at C&S. But most of the other residents are really sympathetic, too. So why i should get upset. The money is well spend, I think.
  4. I suspect the anger has more to do with the departure of Kammi and Kristy as with Jenny. I remember rather positive about Jenny. I also think the operations have been a litle too much, but she's still nice looking. She has her own type of character, but as long as she remains sympathetic, variety is a good thing. Most take it too seriously with this apartment. I see it as a bonus to all of normal apartments. Some female residents more fit always. For all of the viewers how are only interresed in the girls apartment, there will be a disappointment every few month. Currently, only Nora stays longer.
  5. Sure, the cameras need to be improved. Both in the resolution as well as in positioning. But, the biggest problem in VV are the residents. The guy can not be taken seriously. Every time I have a briefly look, he does something stupid. Not funny stupid, just plain annoying stupid. He often acts childish and somehow he is unsympathetic, too. This guy could be the last nail in the coffin for VV, if they do not change something soon. I do not understand why they think there can be successful by asking for $ 30 a month without to offer something worth seeing. As long as they do not have residents which are interesting and show a normal social behavior, even cameras in ultra hd makes no sense. It's realy unfortunate what they did with this page. I've never understood why they ignored the vote for a girls only apartment. .... Ok, maybe someone thinks there will be not enough action in bedroom. Fine, then maybe two couples or a few singls. .... But why did they changed to a concept with only one couple? This concept is applied in RLC very well, and to compete with it is probably very difficult. .... Hmm. .... And why select such a fool like him? Stupid. Realy stupid. I do not think that on Monday something essential will be improved. Unfortunately, that does not fit to the management. They are the champions in degrading. ;)
  6. I am no longer often in the villa. Today I was lucky. There is a show program. As expected, Karen (is this his name?) looks totally out of place. What this is all about? Were is Tanya? Has she left the project? :o But, I just noticed something interresting. With Lilu and Milka in the apartment, almost all guests were terrible. Now, it seems to be the opposite. The guest are fine, but the residents are …. Hmm. … still not a paying member. If the two girls move in, I'm back. ;)
  7. Often true. But for those who are able to change there should be a second chance, or not. Alcoholism is a disease. You can overcome it.
  8. If there is violence again, I am also in favor to kick him out. But, currently both make a happy impression to me. So, Let's wait, at least to see, if he has stopped drink alcohol.
  9. There is also the posibility that the assumtion of the rehabilitation is correct. So he has earned a real 2nd chance, or not?
  10. I do not understand that. Why are here all so upset about lev. My goodness, as if here were any other guys perfect. They talk a lot, make a smart impression and seems to get along well. Oh, and as long as she is happy with him, there's nothing to bully. And ... Everyone here who reads this also sits on the internet. So do not throw stones in glass houses. ;) I've never seen him violent. But when he was, there is also the posibility that the assumtion of the rehabilitation is correct. So he has earned a real 2nd chance, or not?
  11. Comparing the current comments with the comments given at the beginning of this year and also considering the hype around this apartment, it seems to be a great success for RLC. So, I think that they will continue to develop this concept in the future. But I also could imagine alternatives. How about, for example, with a ski lodge including sauna area, or a second independent apparment somewhere in the southern hemisphere? There are so many ways to extend RLC. I trust there on RLC, because they did good up to now. But it is also important to realize that this apartment is the most unreal place in RLC. As Example, I guess that the girls are only pretend to do something under there blankets. … Only with nora we can be sure in this point. So, more importantly for me is the development of the other apartments. Here the summer was often disappointing. In future, I hope especially for english-speaking apartments. That would be a real breakthrough for RLC. For now, I am happy that N&B are back. :)
  12. I'm not sure how to assert the apartment, currently. Lev seems to have disappeared, completly. And also Zoya seams to not living there any more. Clear, the show was great, but it does not look as if she or the two are a real residents in the RLC world, now. At a time when all eyes are on the girls apartment, Zoya shows up, pulls out all the attention (or at least balanced the attention) and disappears shortly afterwards. That looks very staged, or not? .... Hmm. ... That would be really disappointing, because she was also before her return, a really likeable and very attractive resident. Both seems to be well suited to the ideal of RLC, i think. ... Let's see if and how the situation develops.
  13. I had just been looking forward that RLC got some life back finally (after the summer break). N&B and S&H are back. :) Too bad. The girls apartment will be empty, now. :( After all, it does not look as if the two take off completly. I guess both will come back. ;D
  14. Alcoholism is a terrible disease. I know that for sure, because my father was an alcoholic (but not violent). Later he joined a support group, get dry and overcome his behavior. I also could get to kown several people from this group, because i was good in solve there computer problems. They were offen quite open with this topic and so I started to understand it all better. Now, I think that if someone is working on his problem and is able to control it, this person should not be given up easily. The clear rejection of an violent person is important so that a change is enforced. However, if this change has been applied and there is still a connection between the couple, I think it's nice when everything turns to the best. The important thing is that this disease will always be there, he will need strength to keep it under control.
  15. Unfortunately I do not know. But, she is really cute. Also the guy who was earlier there for a short visit made a nice impression. It looks as if they have pleasant friends everywhere around. I really like that. :)
  16. For me, it seams the cameras are synchronized. I also never had a issue like that. Maybe a few seconds, but nothing more. I have never saw Lev violent. He gave me a good impression so far. Therefore, I find it hard to believe that he is violent. But there have been several posts describing the same. Perhaps his long absence has really something to do with it. Only the attack of Yarik I have seen and I am realy glad that RLC kicked him out.
  17. Thanks for the information peogeo. :) I thought really he works for a security service. I need to keep my interpretation to myself a bit more. It's a shame that something like that is happened to both of them. Too bad that there are people who simply know no limits. The more we respect the anonymity of the residents, the more they can be open. This is something that we (as RLC community) need to learn urgently, I think. Do you think there is still hope that they are come back? The new shift of the holiday end make me wonder.
  18. I think you underestimat both. They have an active life. Both are socially integrated and sometimes bring friends into there apartment. They behave normally in their daily routine and I also find both sympathetic, too. It seems, that he works for a security service. Therefore, he has irregular working hours. That does not always seem to be easy for both. But this is a real life. And that is the content of RLC, or not? Mayby, you can not find all couples on RLC sympathetic. But that does not mean that they need to go. Should all residents go, who are disliked by someone, RLC would no longer exist.
  19. I like both. And I hope the two come back. :)
  20. Of course, this is part of the concept. Only his interpreation is just totally childish and nonsensical. The casting of this guy is just a bad joke. How can VV be so stupid to put this guy into the villa. He creates a situation of annoyance and wretchedness. Terrible. Now, the whole page is a disaster. Hopeless.
  21. She makes the appartment worth seeing. :)
  22. I just stopped by briefly in the villa. This was a short stop only, because noting interesting happens, as always. ;) The girl seams to be ok. She has mutch more social spirt as him and makes a good impression to me. I do not think she can be blamed for the situation in the apartment. I also do not think he is responsible. But, It's funny how fast the guy has nerfed me, again. He almost always succeeds in this task pretty fast. He has really good annoying skills. ;) We can not expect the same entertainment value from one couple as given by RLC (with 7 couples), although the access cost the same money. And we should alsonot expect that the two have sex, on a daily basis. The mistake is again on the managment, when they think its good to ask for to same amount of money when the content is getting worse. The current cast is indeed better than an empty villa. But I also think, the villa was more exciting with Lilu and Milka, even without sex. So i think, it will probably be necessary to introduce more changes quickly. But, now the two are already moved in and perhaps they need some time to settle in properly. I wonder how the page will develop in the next weeks. Can VV solve the issue or not. Are they able to find interesting residents or guests. In the past, I always wonder why they are so bad in casting people in comparison to RLC. Meanwhile, I think that they payment is simply not good enough. Maybe they finally have to decide whether to take the page serious or not.
  23. That was better one hour earlier. They had also two good looking girls as guests, too. I would like to know what kind of relationship the older guy has to VV. It could be, that he is a member of the managment. He behaves at least different from the ordinary guests.
  24. One thing we have to admit to the girl, she's full into this pantomime game. Very cute. :) Also the older guy in the jacket is fully a part of the game. Most other guests are doing good. A few nice guests they have brought together. Good work. Unfortunately, all of them will be gone soon. And probably non of them will be seen again. In the last few weeks I have seen so much nonsens on this page. Now, the page is evolving. However, very slowly. Now, i think, they are comparable to one of the better RLC appartments. So, I think, it will still take some time until they found something worth paying the money they requested. But they're going in the right direction, I think.
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