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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. I am a smoker too but I heat this kind of smoking (included narghile/hookah) especial this cloud of smoky some time the place looks like a hashish den
  2. For Russians is Novi God (new year) and they wishes S'Novim Godem And thy deny any connection to religious costumes
  3. Maybe it your mistake, I preferred to see woman doing other tings nude BTW, for many years I didn't saw my wife ironing not nude and not dressed
  4. I didn't failed I know very well the situation. And I am not on of her many fans I on vacation now and decided to spend some time to follow here moves to ensure What I am going to write I am here long enough to know and again she is buying fans by her sexuality
  5. Above your explanation the is on more point she like very match to show her self to her fans to achieve more fans and by that earning some bonus I don't know if it's money or by posts she get on the social groups just we can see how match messages sh writing now I guess she replays to the her fans
  6. She interrupted by her dog and she went to proceed in the BR The dog not allowed to enter and so am I
  7. Nice to hear from you something from time to time something positive.
  8. Anyway I don't think that Dasha enough attractive for M-XL
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