Well, Zoya apparently decided to make fun of him as a revenge
Zoya entered (Lev will not even notice she was naked), she sat on the sofa with a cup in her hand covering the lower part with blanket. Further - by talking - Lev noticed that she half naked she raised her foot to just to show him that she is naked even under the blanket. Lev "turned on" He sent a hand to caress the leg she raised again her leg as he bent to his mouth and said (according to the situation I just imagining the dialogue), "If you kiss my big toe maybe I will let you enter to my holy hole" he refused and once agin tried to touch and she refused, as she got up to go he grabbed her ankle for a few mimutes did not allow her to go untill he releasing her leg.
About an hour earlier (I missed the chance to catch en pictur) she seduced Lev to took his shirt off and when he stood beside her she put her hand in her pants and said, "well the area is under maintenance" (my guess again) and sent him to the bedroom alone.
a few picture eill come later