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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. I didn't who but last night they have new guests (couple) one of the couples slept one the floor.
  2. there is one special memory about Carla and Mario - they fucked in the kitchen while gusts siting in the LR 😎 As I felt they both used the project as audition stage for porno movie BTW, their apartment was not in in Italy?
  3. One more conjecture We all (I think so) realized that Hakeem is devious guy (if not worse then that) could be that she was one of his ladies (that "fall in love" as the others) he found her as naïve innocent girl to "work on" (could be she look for a place to live) and he offered her to join with him as just a roommate with additional benefits like some sex relationship. Another point of the sex (we can see it on her face) there is no doubt she wants sex as most of the girls but not that kind of sex she waiting for or even she feeling obligated to him for found her a free place to live
  4. As long as their names appeared on the list they are still trio
  5. Did I told you already that you are brilliant?
  6. The 50 Sexiest Nationalities In The World - Ranked – Big 7 Travel BIGSEVENTRAVEL.COM We surveyed a sample of our 1.5 million social audience to get an insight into where you'll find the world's sexiest nationality. 1st. Ukrainian Ukrainians have a striking appearance and have easily topped our poll for 2019. Who could disagree with this? It’s no wonder that so many models come from here. 2nd. Danish The impressive score of Danish people’s sexiness proves that Denmark is beautiful in more ways than one And so on read the site above
  7. That why I asked for and lets puts end you are not a nice person
  8. That is real rude position of you I just want to know that's all I living also in emigration country My parents also came from other country but there are many people that they families here for 5 nd even more generations living here sorry about your stance
  9. I wonder if I understood your centers In Russia (and others post Ussr) education is free (or almost) including the high schools most of the middle class families and some of the lower are well educated in the high school and university they have to study extra subject as music painting and so on ther for you see participate as Leora Efim Anabel Eva and more I don't know or like to think about why we don't see it on the Barcelona girls Upon surveys more then 60% of the girls on the living chat sites and the these project as RLC is Russian spiking That only part of my acknowledge about this subject
  10. That's is a real statement? Every one or just these that on the list? BTW, The last "word" is superfluous
  11. That not what you asked his mam are frome England and father from Hawaii
  12. I don't know exactly but most of these on the list are Canadian Keanu Reeves Lebanon
  13. I don't know but you got the answer from a English specialist am I right franklin?
  14. Don't say it happyone said earlier that Americans are not stupid give respect
  15. Is she just put her head on his stomach or she doing something (I can't see them)
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